Chapter 1, In to the Dark Night.

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    As the years have pasted my team of young heroes have lived throw the nightmare of the death game Sword art Online all the trails of Gun Guile Online and even the countless battles of Alfhum Online, but all this time all that has not wane their love for Online role playing games. Now a new chapter of the world of Alfhum Online unfolds Racknarock has began.

I sits in my room behind my computers. On one of the screens Yui sits on a log and a open filed. "Daddy how is it going with my body for the real world?" Yui asks. "I am working on it sweet heart but getting your form to vertalis is not the most easest, But I am in contact with a young man by the name of Jeramy Belpoa In france so I am hoping he will have the missing link I am needing." I replay with a light smile. "Okey. When are you and Mommy coming back home?" Yui asks. "Soon Asuna, Leafa and I have to looking in to that new forest area that appred " I says. "Yay I get to see Mommy and Ant Leafa to day." Yui says with a huge smile. I just nod and smiles back. "see you soon Princess." I says and shouts down my computers I then slow stands up and walks out of my room. Thoughts of what Jermey hade told me were rascing throw my head. Was he crazy or did her really somehow make a AI girl in to flash in blood.
In the living room sits my little Sister Suguha who I just calls Sugu. "Hey there Big Brother how are you doing today I did not hear you got up." Suguha says. No she would not of hared me get up seeing as I never went to sleep last night "Yay sorry I head a dream about something that could help me get Yui in to are world." I explain siting next to her. "Oh really that's great." Suguha says. "Ya and when I woke up a saw that I head a e-mail from a kid named Jeremie Belpois. He has been able to Veralies a program in to a Human form." I say sipping down some tea that Suguha head sitting there for me. "Oh WOW that's Great that means with his help you can finally bring Yui to are world." Suguha says in exmint. I slides away from her a bit. Really all I wanted to do was jump up and down and scream form the top of my lungs but tell I know it was for real that Jermie really did what he says I head to play it cool.  "Yes Sugu that is what I just side." I replays. Suguha looks up at the cloak on the wall. "Hey is it not time to meet up with Asuna in Alo?" she asks. "Ya it is that is why I came to get you. You logging in form your room?" I asks. To this day its still a bit of a shock for me to think of Suguha playing video games. Suguha nods and jumps to here feet and in a flash she is in here room and to door is shouting. There was a time I never thought I see her do that over a game ha ha ha I slow stands up and walks back in to my room.
Once back in my room I walks over and picks up there Atmous head gear and slips it on. then lays down on my bed and a huge smile ripples acrosed my  faces as I say the magic world that would take me to were I truly felt alive. "LINK START!" In a flash of colorful lights I am transported in to the world of Alfham Online and I am changed in to the Sprigen Warrior Know as Kirito. I looks around and spots Leafa aka my sister Suguha and Asuna my beloved girlfriend and in game Wife.
"Hey lady's over here!" I shouts and starts to flag them down. Asuna and Leafa smile and run over to me. Asuna gives me a big huge and a kisses. "I have so missed you Kirito." Asuna says still in my arms. "Me to Asu when are you going to be home form the stats?" I asks. Asuna sighs and looks down. "It looks like one more week Daddy is almost done getting his reputation back." Asuna says with a half smile. "Oh that's great are they going to let him buy back some of Alo?" Leafa asks. Asuna just sruges. "wall ladys are we ready to head in to the dark forest?" I ask. They both smile at me and nod. "Then let's fly" I say as my wings form on my back.
Right as we are about to take for the sky I hear someone yell "hold on a minuet!" When I spin around to see we're the yelling is coming from I spot two male plays running over to us. On is my best Friend in game and out Klein the Salamander Saimeri. The Other is a man I never seen before. He stoud abut 6'1 the race he head chosen was a catsith. He head Green shaggy hear that was pulled back in to a poney teal. I could tell that his armer was that of a starter charter and on his back was a large lance. "Hey Klein I did not know you were going to log in today." I say as the two men get over to us. "ya sorry I was just going to do a little liveling and see if I could rease my skill with Mjolnir." Klein explande. Not to long ago on a Mission to get my lagnedry wepion the Might sword Excalber Klein was ably to help the god of thunder Thor out and he gave him a copy of his great hammer Mjolnir. Just then the other man did a fack cought. "Oh Ya Sorry Ruin this is my good Friends Kirito, Asuna and Leafa." Klein says and points to each of us. Let me tell you if the game let peples face blow up I think the Catsith know as Ruin just may have once he hard are names "OH MY GOD it's the Black Swords Men and the Lighting Flash!!!" Ruin Shouted.

Klein, Asuna, Leafa, And I were all taking back by his outburst. The names he just spook were are In game Nick names form the death game Sword art online. "How do you know thouse names!" Asuna demanded placing her hands on her Sword hilt. "wow its ok I to am a Sao server." Ruin says. "What!" we all shout. "You told me you live in the States." Klein adds. "I do and that is also were I was when the Death game started." Ruin Explaned. "That cant be right. Kieba did not relies SAO in the Stats." I replay. "That is true Black Swordsmen but you see I am a really good hacker and was able to get in to the Sao server and after a belt my own headgear I logged in." Ruin says. "One Don't call me that and Two no way your that good." I retort. "I really am back home I am called a protage or batter know as a frick the big brain child. Gaming was my only way I ever felt normal and when I lorned what Kiabea was doing I head to get in on it. To tell you the Truth it was really easy to get in almost too easy." Ruin Explaned. Was it posable could this Lancer really be that good? Or is it more likely Kieba let him in...... "I want to join you guys I want to be part of your team." Ruin says nocking my little side tought back to normal. "what???" I ask. "I was in the town of beggnings when you and Asuna fight with the Army." Ruin says.

Back In SAO there were a large group of kids living in a old church in the town of beggings. "You both head came to see if you could find Yui parents." Ruin explanes. That's when it hit me Yui she could tell me if this boy was lieing or not. Almost as if she know what I was thanking she lifted herself up out of my pocket and land on my shoulder. "Let me just see if your really one of us. Yui can you see his data?" I ask and she nods her little head. "My data?" Ruin asks. "yes all the players that were in SAO there game data is scaterd throw out the net so whenever they play a online game a bit of that is logged in with them." Asuna explaneds. "Daddy he is A server like you and mommy." Yui says with a light smile. "Hey I am still here to you know Yui." Klein says poffing out his chest. "Oh Ya Sorry Mr.Klein like you to." Yui add. I looked over at Asuna and she just gave me a little nod. Her and I have been togather so long now we don't even need words at times. "Ok you can teg along this time Kid but I got a lot more question for you later on." I say. The spaztastic Cait Sith just started jumping up and down. "Klein you found this guy so you get to keep an eye on him." I say looking over at Klein.

A few minets later we are flaying high over Alfheim. Wall my group was flaying with easy but are new starange friend not so match. "How do you work this darn fly stike." Ruin says flying upside down. "None of us use the stike Leafa shown us all how to fly with out it." Klein says with a giggle looking over at  leafa. Its true my sister was the master of the skys in are little band of hero's. "So Kirito what info do you got on this new land we are going to?" Asuna says flying next to me. "Its not match to go on I hard a rummer that this new land has to do with some god of mischief." I said with a half smile. "Hold up we are flaying to a place that is made by Loki?" Ruin asks. "I guess so but how did you know that." I ask with a very puzzled look. I head not even lorned the name of the god yet. "Wall all most all of Alfhiem is basted off of some form of Norse mythology and in that mythology Loki is now as the god of mischief." Ruin explandes. Ever one just shouts him a very shocked look. "What? Irl I want to be a Archaeologist Like my dad. With that being side you really need to know all your mythology's." Ruin replayed. "So what's that have to do with this Ragnorök I been hearing abut for weeks?" Asuna asks. "Wall lets see Ragnorök is a world ending event and were a huge battle will be fought and the Dragon Níðhöggr is side to be the final battle but seeing how we are in ALO lets say the final boss fight ever." Ruin explandes. "so we need to stop this Loki guy form starting this Ragnorök thing? How hard could that be?" Klein says. "wall the last god we saw was when you got your hammer Mjölnir." Leafa replays. "and that was one hell of a fight." I say. "Hold on you have Mjölnir?!" Ruin shots shocked. "wall ya I got it on the quest that Kirito got Excalibur." Klein replayed. "No way you guys got Excalibur also!!!" Ruin shouts again. I just smirk and point to the golden sword on my back. "OMG that is so cool so not only were you the legendary swords men in SAO you are also here in ALO." Ruin shouts.

A few secrets latter my little band of friends spotted are destination. The dark forest and now I could see why it was named that. It was a beautiful sun day in Alfhiem and yet were the forest is it smeed to be devoid of all light. "Umm that's were we are going?" Leafa asked with a bit of scared sound in her voice. I nod and we all fly down landing just out side the forest.

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