Chapter 2, The cold truth.

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As we all looked into the forest no light came from it at all. "It's really dark in there." Asuna says. "I don't like this something feels off about this place." Klein adds. Ruin looked at me then back at the woods. He then draws his spear and slow sticks it in to the forest. As the tip of the spear it's the darkness it seems to completely vanish. "It's cold." Ruin says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "The spear it feels cold almost like it's frozen." Ruin replays but right as he finishes his sentences the spear and him are pulled into the darkness. "What just happened?" Leafa shouts. "I don't know." I says as I draw my two swords. "Big Brother what are you doing?" Leafa asks grabbing my arm. "Leafa we can't just leave him in there." Asuna says laying her hand on Leafa's shoulder. Leafa let's go of my arm and draws her own sword. Klein and Asuna also draw there swords. Yui popped up out of my pocket. "Daddy I have no data on this place. We will be going in blind." She says. I nod at here then my friends and I exchange looks I nod and we all run in.

It feels as if we were back in Jotunheim. Ruin stood before us in a block of ice.

"Well that looks cold." Leafa says. Ruin moves his eyes. "Well, at least he is alive in there." Asuna says. "Klein can you get him free with out killing him?" I ask. Klein smiles and starts speaking in a fairy language. As soon as he finishes speaking a small fire starts up melting the ice. Ruin shakes off the water like a cat. "Man that was cold." Ruin says shivering.

This forest was completely devoid of light. We could only maybe see a few feet in front of us. "Klein can you get us some more light?" Ruin asks. Klein draw his katana and Spock in fairy speak again and soon his Katana was on fire, but even with that light we could still only see a few feet in front of us. "Wall That was not helpful." Leafa says with a sigh. Asuna pulls out her wand and speaks one of her spills and wall the cold was gone from are body's. "I casted a protection spell for us." She says with a smile. "Thanks a lot Asu." I say. "Mom always knows what we need." Yui says piping up out of my pocket. "Yui do you know anything about this places?" I ask her. "No daddy this place is totally of the system it seems." Yui says.

We decided to move deeper in to the forest. As we moved I noticed that our steps are not giving off any sound. But be for I could say that Ruin chimes in "guys i think I know we're we are." He says. "Oh and just we're is that newbie?" Leafa asks very sarcastically. "This is the forest of silence. If the legend is right the wolf Fenrir is side to be in this forest" Ruin explains. "Like the god killer wolf Fenrir?" Klein asks. We all were a bit taken back with this coming form Klein normal he has no clue what's going on. "That's the one." Ruin says. "Do we keep going our turn back now?" I ask the group. "I say we go deeper." Asuna says. "Ya I am with her." Leafa adds. "Hey if there going you know I am going." Klein says. Ruin just nods. "Ok then looks like we keep moving.

As we make are way deeper in to this forest I start to hear something.... no somethings following us. The other seem to not hear it or there just not reacting to it. Finally we make it to what has to be the center of this forest. The non sound under are feet has changed form a swift sound of walking on grass to a hard sound of walking on stone. "Guys I think we are walking on something deferent now." Leafa says. Klein moves his fire sword down to the ground and sure enough we are standing on a huge stone floor with the shape of a dragon on it also there some worlds written in would look to be Nordic runes. "Hey there's some kind of writing." I say. "Oh ya that's Nordic it says Open." Ruin spots off before anyone could stop him.

All of a sudden the image of the dragons mouth opened and a beam of blinding light stout up to the sky bathing this once dark forest in waves of light. Once our eyes were able to adjust to the light we saw that we were surrounded by a pack of wolfs. Not normal wolfs though. This were the size of a hours. Then we noticed in the center of the pillar of light studs a man dressed in green. A evil smirk on his face. "So the land of ferries is it." The man side and just disappeared. "Guys I think that was Loki the Nordic god of mischief." Ruin says as the night disappointed and we all were back in the dark other then Klein little light from his burning sword. "Daddy we got trouble am reading a pack of wolves. no two, Three pack of wolves. There all around us." Yui says in fear. "Guys we need to get out of the woods." Leafa shouts. "Klein can you light this place up batter?" Ruin asks. "I got one spell up my sleeve but I don't know how its going to help." Klein replies. I nod at Klein. Klein starts to speak in fairy tongue and words starts to form around him. "every one get ready to run!" I shouts. As Klein finish's his spill a large blast of fire spreads out and covers the hole forest and lights up the woods. "Run!" Asuna shouts. Everyone takes off running Klein, Ruin and, Myself took up the rear.

As we all make are way out of the woods fallowing the arrow Sinon fired. Slow a small light comes in to view. "There is the way out!" Yui shouts. Two wolfs jump in front of that light. I run up in front of the team and draw both my swords. "Asu get every one out no matter what!" I shout and attack the two wolves. I am able to cut one down with Excalibur easily but the other jumps out of the way. before I was able to attack the other one a spear came flying past me. I spin around and see Ruin standing next to me as the others ran out of the woods. Before Ruin and I were able to get out two more wolves jumped in fount of the exit. "Umm now what." Ruin asks picking up his spear. Just then there was a load wolf howl. "Ok what is that." Ruin asks as the ground starts to shack. "I don't like this." I replied as a huge wolf walks up. This monster was huge 10 times the normal size. "Umm now that's big." Ruin says. He was not kidding this wolf was monstrous I say it have to be the boss.... "Hold on it's a Boss look for the name tag!" I shout. We both look up over it's head where a green arrow showed the name Fenrir. "I know who this is,d it's the god killing wolf!" Ruin shouts. "Look at the life on him four bars. Killing him is not going to be easy." I say dropping into my fighting stance.

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