Chapter One

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September 1st, 1971

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September 1st, 1971

"Remus, I'll be fine. Don't stress yourself out yet, okay? You're supposed to have fun this year." Veronica, Ronnie, Lupin told her older brother as she stood in his bedroom doorway, watching as he anxiously tapped his foot as he looked over his checklist for Hogwarts.

"I know Ronnie, I just worry about you. I don't want to leave you, what if Dad gets worse? After Mum died..." Remus trailed off, finally looking up at his younger sister by one year.

"Dad may be a drunk but he's not violent." Ronnie shrugged before trudging into his room and plopping onto his bed, looking at his trunk thats packed to the brim, mostly with books, for Hogwarts.

Ronnie was excited for her brother. She knew he had been looking forward to it ever since he got the Hogwarts letter. After their mum died a little over a year ago, Ronnie knew that Remus had been stressing himself out and taking on the role to not only take care of her but their father Lyall Lupin as well.

Lyall was an absolute mess. After losing Hope, Lyall's drinking problem became worse, making him a liability in the ministry and placing him on 'temporary leave' that has now lasted a year. It made the Lupins poorer than most, but the Lupin siblings were thankful that their Grandfather had set up a small inheritance for both of them. Ronnie disliked her father most of the time because of the way he treated Remus about his lycanthropy. She knew that Remus had been bitten when they were young and even though she has read every werewolf book she could get her hands on, she never was able to find a way to make it better for him, instead, every full moon falling asleep in the hallway beside the basement door so she could be the first one there in the morning.

She knew Remus grew nervous about leaving her alone with Lyall as he had drunkenly roughhoused with Remus a few too times, leaving scars and marks that Remus was able to pass off as full moon marks as he knew his sister was fiercely protective of him, and since she couldn't control her magic very well yet, he didnt want Lyall to one day wake up with his hair burnt off. Remus and Ronnie loved each other a lot, depending on each other as they grew up. Remus was her rock and she wasn't sure how she would survive this year without him.

"Yeah, well still be careful. Please. Mums owl is here for you to write to me if anything happens and before we know it, you'll be at Hogwarts with me." Remus said, trying to convince himself more than Ronnie at this point.

"It's only a year Remmy." Ronnie said, smiling sadly at him.

"Only a year." He repeated before they were cut off by Lyall shouting from downstairs.

Remus let out an irritated sigh before shutting his trunk and walking downstairs, Ronnie following close behind.

"Are you ready to go?" Lyall asked, looking at his two kids as Remus took in his sweaty, and almost out-of-it look on his face.

"God, are you drunk? It's not even 10 am." Remus bitterly spat as Lyall rolled his eyes, "Mind your business, Remus."

"And I'm supposed to leave Ronnie alone with you?" Remus asked agitated as Ronnie looked between her father and brother, knowing things could get heated between them very quickly.

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