Chapter Four

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1974- Year Three

On the first day of classes in her third year, Ronnie sat in her potions by herself as all of her friends got put in the Potions period 5 and she had it 1st. She hated potions already and having no friends made it even worse.

Ronnie had a hard time remembering potions ingredients and how t do them, and she knew she would fail if she didnt have her textbook open in front of her at all times, causing the lowest mark every year.

This period was shared with the Slytherins and she didnt mind them as much as the Slytherins her year had left her alone for the most part, and she actually found the fourth year Slytherins a lot worse. She had seen a few of them exchange words with her brother and his friends on numerous occasions, giving her a distaste for them.

She waited a few more minutes for Professor Slughorn to come into the classroom as more and more kids began taking seats in the classroom. She realized how unlucky she was when a majority of her class were Slytherins, leaving her not only friendless but outnumbered. The class filled quickly before she realized that she was the last person who sat on her own and sighed. How was she already the social pariah of this Slytherin potions class?

Professor Slughorn soon came bustling in the classroom, already beginning to yapper as the students turned to face the front. The nutty professor began to ramble on about what they should expect in their third year in Potions, and what they will be expected to know how to do by the end of the year before the door whipped open, causing everyone to look who entered.

"I am so sorry Professor, I took a few wrong turns on my way." A tall, blonde, fourth-year Slytherin said at the back of the class.

"Yes yes Mr.Rosier, thats fine. Take a seat next to Miss Lupin then please." Professor Slughorn said, dismissing the boy before turning back to the blackboard and writing down some formulas.

Ronnie turned towards the teacher again, not paying any mind to the boy who sat beside her for the duration of the class, before the Professor said something that would completely change her year.

"The person you are sitting next to is your potions partner until Christmas. Your first assignment is to study the effects of a potion of your choice, and give me 3 pieces of parchment by Friday."

Ronnie let out an internal groan before turning to face the boy next to her, to see him already grinning at her.

"Well, this will be fun, won't it Lupin?" The boy grinned at her as she slowly nodded, "How do you know my name?" She blurted out as he let out a small chuckle.

"Because we've had classes together for three years? What? You don't know my name?" He teased as her face blushed slightly before she shook her head. He let out a small gasp before placing his hand on the right side of his chest, "Ah, that hurts my heart. And here I thought we were friends."

Ronnie couldn't help the giggle that escaped her mouth at the wrongful placement of his hand on his chest and his over dramatics, "Thats not where your heart is."

"It isn't?" He asked, quirking his brow as she shook her head, "Try your left side."

He nodded before placing his hand over his actual heart, reiterating "I thought we were friends."

"We've never met!" She added as he shrugged.

"Fine. I'm Evan Rosier." Evan introduced himself, "And I'm sure, you and I will be best friends before you know it."

"Not likely, but nevertheless, nice to meet you." Ronnie said as he mocked hurt once again, "Again, hurting my feelings Lupin."

"Well, I guess you're going to have to get used to that Evan. Now, when do you want to meet up?" Ronnie asked her as he raised a brow at her again, "Asking me out on a date, are you?"

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