Chapter Fifteen

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The morning after the chaotic party at the Room of Requirement found the Gryffindor girls' dormitory resembling a war zone. Ronnie, Alice, and Mary were all nursing monstrous hangovers, their heads pounding like a Quidditch Bludger had taken up residence inside their skulls. The door to the dorm creaked open, and Gideon, Frank, and Fabian stumbled inside, looking just as bad for wear.

"Merlin's beard, what a night," Frank groaned, collapsing onto the nearest chair with a thud.

Gideon shot him a sympathetic glance, his expression grim. "Tell me about it. I've never been more furious with Andy in my life."

Ronnie perked up at the mention of Andy's name, her brow furrowing in concern. "What happened?"

Gideon's jaw clenched with frustration as he recounted the heated exchange he'd had with Andy at the party. "He was acting like a complete git, Ronnie. I tried to talk some sense into him, but he wouldn't listen. I'm bloody furious with him."

Ronnie's stomach churned with unease as she processed Gideon's words. "What did he say?"

Gideon hesitated for a moment before reluctantly revealing the truth. "He made some stupid comment about you being the 'virgin mary' that can't be touched because your brother is so protective. It was completely out of line, and I let him know it."

Ronnie's face flushed with embarrassment and anger, her fists clenching at her sides. "I can't believe he said that. What an absolute tosser."

Mary's eyes widened in shock as she took in the gravity of the situation. "That's so messed up, Ronnie. I can't believe he'd say something like that."

Meanwhile, Alice had finally managed to crawl out of bed, her expression a mixture of concern and sympathy. "Are you okay, Ronnie?"

Ronnie sighed, running a hand through her tangled hair as she tried to collect her thoughts. "I'm fine, Alice. Just... pissed off, you know?"

Gideon nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "I don't blame you, Ronnie. I'd be furious too if someone said something like that about me."

As they continued to chat, the topic of conversation shifted to Ronnie's encounter with Regulus in the hallway. She recounted the strange encounter to her friends, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"It was just... weird, you know?" she admitted, her voice trailing off as she struggled to make sense of it all.

Gideon and Fabian exchanged puzzled glances, their expressions reflecting Ronnie's confusion. "Yeah, that does sound weird," Fabian agreed, scratching his head in confusion.

Suddenly, Frank perked up, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "I've got an idea! Why don't Gideon and I go grab breakfast for everyone? We could use a bit of fresh air, and you girls could use some food to soak up all that firewhiskey."

Gideon grinned, clapping Frank on the back with a grin. "Sounds like a plan. We'll be back before you know it."

Gideon and Frank quickly made their way out of the dorm as Fabian climbed into the bed with Alice and Ronnie.

"This is the life, me and the ladies." Fabian joked as Ronnie laughed.

Suddenly, a knock rang out through the dorm and Ronnie got up to answer it, revealing Andrew.

"Can I talk to you?" Andrew asked as Ronnie nodded, stepping into the hall with him.

"Hey," Ronnie said softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she approached him.

Andrew turned to face her, his expression tense with guilt. "Hey, Ronnie."

Ronnie's heart sank at the sight of his remorseful expression. She could already feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she braced herself for whatever he was about to say. "What's wrong, Andy? You look like you've seen a ghost"

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