Chapter Three

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1973- Year Two

Ronnie sat in her dorm giggling along with Alice and Mary over the marauder's prank over dinner, making it rain hurricanes on all the other house tables. Today was the last day before they left for Christmas break and Ronnie was sad to leave her friends.

The friendship that the marauders had among themselves, Ronnie found a similarity within her own group. The six first years that all sat together in the compartment on the way to Hogwarts last year bloomed into a beautiful friendship. Ronnie loved every single one of her friends and was so grateful for them.

"The boys will be here soon." Alice reminded the girls as they looked at the clock on the wall.

"We don't have to do anything crazy tonight guys, really." Ronnie told her friends as Mary sent her a look.

"Are you kidding? You only turn thirteen once." Mary said with a grin as Ronnie shook her head.

"And we are going to celebrate before we all leave for Christmas." Alice said matter of factly as Ronnie finally sighed in agreement.

"Fine fine, ill get ready then." Ronnie said, grabbing some clothes before going into their washroom to get changed into dark green corduroy pants that flared at the bottom with a long sleeve black shirt with mesh sleeves. This would be her birthday outfit as the more her friends talked about her birthday, the more she got excited.

She took in her appearance in the mirror, combing back her curly dark hair before tying some of it up and out of her face. She hated when her hair was in her face. She applied some quick eyeliner and mascara, not bothering with much else before reentering her room.

"You look great." Alice happily smiled at her as she did a mockery twirl before sitting on her bed again.

"Should we head to the common room now then?" Ronnie asked as Mary and Alices eyes went wide, both shouting "No!". Ronnie sent them both an amused look before Alices face calmed down and she said "We have to wait for the boys."

"And I still have to get ready." Mary said, standing up as she peered at her reflection in the mirror. Mary was a very good-looking girl and she knew it. Even though they were only in their second year, and only some of them were thirteen, it didnt stop Mary from already dating, and if it wasn't for her charming personality or her natural good looks, she would have had a much calmer year.

Marys personality only grew as she got older. She was bold, and out there and knew what she wanted. She was outspoken enough for all three girls. Alice and Ronnie on the other hand were much more similar in personality. Alice was pretty quiet and liked to stick with what and who she knew, causing her best friend to be Ronnie as the two girls did everything together as Mary commonly made herself busy, usually with fourth-year Ravenclaw boys, and the two brunettes came to depend on each other.

Ronnie was their common ground. She could be loud and obnoxious, causing Alice to go red in the face as people around them stared, but also was known to be quiet and kept to herself. She was the perfect balance between her two girlfriends.

Frank was the Alice of the boys, being shy when needed while also having Gideon and Fabian bring out the reckless side of him. The six balanced each other, just like the marauders did within their group.

Mary flipped through some of her clothes before going to hold up a short red dress in front of her body as she continued to admire her figure in the mirror, "You think this would work?"

"Mary, it's December 18th," Alice said, looking at her like she was nuts.

"And?" Mary pouted out, really wanting to wear the dress.

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