Chapter Fourteen

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Veronica walked alongside Alice and Andrew towards the Gryffindor halls as the three were just hanging out in the kitchens. Alice and the rest of Veronica's friends were the only ones who knew of Andrew and Ronnie's plan to downplay their relationship around the castle to make their lives more bearable, thanks to Remus and his friends, and Alice was more than happy to hang with the two of them so that way they could play up their facade but also spend time together. Her only rule was no PDA... and Ronnie did her best to follow it but she had been swatted by Alice many times today.

The three get to the Gryffindor portrait entrance to see Remus and Peter sitting nearby, glaring at the group of three as Ronnie passes them, not even glancing at her brother. The girls go to walk in but Andrew isn't able to get through, almost as if a forcefield was keeping him out. Veronica and Alice turned around to see why he wasn't coming in.

Ronnie saw out of the corner of her eye Remus and Peter trying to stifle their laughter and she tried her best to ignore them, "Come on Andy, let's go in."

"Yeah gorgeous, I'm trying but I can't," Andrew told her, trying to step in again to be pushed back out by the invisible force field.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked, stepping towards him and waving her hand through the barrier thats keeping Andrew out.

"I literally can't get in," Andrew said again as Ronnie's eyes turned to glare at Remus and Peter, having a strong feeling they were involved.

Just as she was going to storm towards her brother to confront him when Andrew stopped her, "It's not worth it babe, it's fine." He whispered to her as she shook her head, "Thats not okay for them to keep you out of the Gryffindor commons, you're literally a Gryffindor!" She whispered shouted at him as he sighed, giving her a small smile.

"Ronnie, it's fine. We will figure it out. He's trying to get under your skin." Andrew told her as she crossed her arms in a pout, watching as James and Sirius walked up to Peter and Remus, the four getting into a hushed whisper that looked as if James was scolding them, causing Sirius to look nervously between Remus and James who argued in a hushed tone.

James looked between the two Lupin siblings before huffing and walking towards the Gryffindor portrait where the three fifth years stood, giving them a sheepish nod before wordlessly flicking his wand and walking away.

Andrew put his arm out to test the barrier to see that it was no longer there and was able to walk through to follow the girls in. The three entered to see Gideon and Fabian sprawled out on two chairs as they lit up seeing their friends come in.

"Come sit!" Fabian quickly shouted, waving them over. Ronnie sulked over to the couch across from them, slinking into the seat as Andrew sat beside her and Alice on the other side of him.

"What's wrong with you Mini?" Gideon asked, instantly knowing that Ronnie was pissed off.

"My brother pisses me off, he pranked the door so Andrew couldn't come in," Ronnie explained, getting extremely frustrated with the whole station her brother continues to put her in.

"It's alright Ronnie, really." Andrew told her, resting a gentle hand on her leg as she sent him a look, tears of frustration brimming in her eyes, "I'm frustrated."

"I can tell. Wanna go for a lie-down?" He asked as she nodded, letting him stand up and pull her up beside him. He gave the group a quick wave before following Ronnie up to her room where the two spent the rest of their evening cuddled up with each other.


That Friday night, Ronnie and her friends sat around the girl's dorm, passing around the bottle of fire whiskey as they pre-gamed the room of the requirement party they were going to soon. The group got a nice buzz going before they made their way to the party.

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