Chapter Eleven

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The next morning Regulus Black felt something he usually never felt. Guilt. He felt guilty over the way he spoke to Veronica last night. He hated the way the two spoke to one another but he knew he could only blame himself for that.

It's not like he wanted to be friends with her, she did drive him crazy in almost every aspect, but they were prefect partners and had to put up with each other for the rest of the year. It also didn't help that the Professors always found out when he missed a prefect round but never seemed to catch Ronnie, meaning he was forced to go every time and when it was just him by himself, he was incredibly bored.

He leaned against the wall next to the great hall entrance in deep thought when he heard one of the ginger twins Ronnie always hung around with loudly erupt in laughter catching the Slytherins attention as he turned to look towards the noise.

Ronnie walked down the hall in between the gingers, giggling at one of their jokes when she looked up to see Regulus. He watched her face drop into an almost scowl as he tried to fight the frown forming on his face. He pushed off the wall with his shoulders to take a few steps towards her, Regulus quickly noticing the glare the ginger twins gave him.

Regulus chose to ignore the other two boys, only caring to look at Ronnie as she stopped in front of him.

"Veronica." Regulus greeted as she looked at him with a mixture of confusion and exhaustion, "What do you want, Regulus?"

"I was wondering if I could speak to you quickly?" Regulus asked as she sighed with a nod, "Get on with it then."

Regulus finally turned his eyes to look at the twins on either side of her, noticing how they stared intently at him, obviously not the biggest fan.


"Anything you can say to her you can say to us-" One of the twins started as Ronnie elbowed him in the ribs, "Don't worry Gid, I'll be fine."

"You sure?" The other twin asked her as she nodded, "I'll meet you in there."

The twins nodded before brushing past him and into the great hall.

"Now that your security guards are gone..." Regulus trailed off, trying to crack a joke as she blankly stared at him, "Okay, not in a joking mood today I see."

"Seriously Regulus, what do you want?" Ronnie sighed, "I just wanted to talk to you about our prefect shift tonight and last night..."

"There's nothing to talk about regarding last night, and tonight we can do separate routes." Ronnie told him as he frowned at her, "What?"

"Yeah we should probably just do our own, there is no need to partner up anymore as long as we don't let James or Lily know." Ronnie shrugged as he tried to make eye contact with her as she actively avoided it, "Really? That's what you want?"

"That's what I want." She repeated.


"Are you kidding?" Ronnie scoffed, interrupting Regulus from speaking as he went to retort but clamped his mouth shut as she continued, "Last night you told me you hated me-"

"I didn't mean that I actually hate you-"

"-and obviously if you feel that strongly about me that you felt the need to let me know you not only dislike me, but hate me, this partnership isn't working out and if I could switch, I would, but everyone else has a partner and I don't want to deal with James if I go tell him to switch me."

Veronica didn't even give Regulus a chance to respond as she quickly walked past him and into the great hall just as Evan and Severus walked up to him.

"Uh oh, trouble in paradise?" Evan teased as Regulus rolled his eyes, "Shut up Evan."

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