Chapter Six

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1976- Year Five

The last week of June soon arrived and Ronnie couldn't be happier to be finished her exams. The last few days of the term would be packing up her things and getting her exam marks back. She expected that she would receive all good marks, especially the way her Alice and Mary studied.

Currently, she sat under a large tree by the Black Lake, sitting with Alice who was curled up next to her, the girl's arms linked together as they provided each other with a comfort that they hadn't found anywhere else, and James by their feet, complaining about Lily.

"How does she not love me back yet? I mean I am the complete package." James whined, laying at the girl's feet to peer up at them.

"Maybe because you're so annoying?" Ronnie suggested as James playfully rolled his eyes, "That couldn't possibly be the case so nice try. Alice, you got anything?"

"Maybe because you continue to bother her?"

"No, that couldn't be it either." James dismissed as the girls giggled at him, not noticing the sixth-year Ravenclaw, Derek Dinelo, walk towards the group, grinning down at Ronnie from where he stood.

"Hey Ronnie, Alice, how's it going?"

"Oh, I'm good Derek, thanks for asking." James sarcastically said as the Ravenclaw continued to ignore him, obviously still holding onto their bad blood from the last quidditch game.

"Uh, Ronnie before we leave for the summer, I was wondering if you would want to go out with me? Were able to go down to Hogsmeade tomorrow and-" Derek started before James interrupted him, "No way Dinelo, get lost."

Ronnie sent James a glare, trying to kick him as he rolled away from the girls.

"Dylan, I would love to." Ronnie smiled as James shook his head once again, "Nope, still not happening. I will drag Peter, Sirius and Remus down to Hogsmeade tomorrow and make sure you get hexed in every way Dinelo, rethink this date idea of yours."

"Ignore him." Ronnie tried to say as Derek started to look nervous, "Easy for you to say, I've been on the other end of their pranks." Derek said, beginning to walk away before practically running away from the girl as James sat with a triumph smirk on his face.

"You dick." Ronnie scowled at him as he shrugged, rolling back towards the girls, "Why do you do that?"

"As your older brother, I can't let any guys near you-" James started.

"You're not my brother-"

"As an extra big brother-"

"Sirius has already taken on that role and Remus is protective enough for everyone-"

"Ronnie, I've known you since you were a tiny little thing-" James started before Alice cut him off, "She's still a tiny little thing." causing both girls to laugh.

"Fine, yes, you two are still tiny cute little humans, now may I continue? Now I don't have any siblings so just let me care for you like a sister, yeah?"

"Fine." Ronnie sighed, knowing there was no other way to get out of this.


On the last day of term and Alice and Ronnie stood, teary-eyed on the train platform trying to say goodbye as Peter stood nearby, being the one that had to stay and wait for Ronnie.

Ronnie had already said goodbye to all of her other friends but with Alice, it was harder. Alice was simply her person and the thought of being away from her was hard. Everyone around them could see that the girls were an inseparable duo.

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