Chapter 4

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Morgan's POV
Lauren took me out for ice cream. "So kid I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it. I was just jealous because I thought you liked Camila better than me. I understand if you do, you probably hate me now. But I just want you to know I do love you." I get up and hug her "I love you too Lolo! And I love all the girls equally, I'm just closer to Mila." "Don't let Dinah hear that you're her partner in crime."

Camila's POV
Lauren and Morgan have been gone for a while now. I hope everything is okay. A part of me wishes she was my daughter and not Ally's but I'm even legal yet. "We're home!" Lauren yells. Morgan comes into the movie room and comes over to me. "Mila, Lolo got me ice cream!" "That's great" I say pulling her on to my lap. "And she said she was sorry." "She also said she liked you best" Lauren says but not a jealous way.

I cuddle with Morgan while we watch Despicable Me. I can see the Ally, Dinah and Mani giving me weird looks. Almost as if their jealous. I notice Morgan asleep in my arms. "I'm gonna take Morgan to bed."
"No let me do it." Ally says
"I already have her in my arms it's just easier if I do it. And besides she almost as tall as you it would be hard for you to carry her."
"She's my daughter!" Ally yells at me
"Ally there's no reason to yell just let Camz put her to bed" Lauren says
"She said let her do it" Dinah says
I hand Morgan over to Ally and she leaves the room. She comes back a few minutes later. "What is you guys problem? Ever since Lauren and Morgan came back you three have been acting weird."
"Well maybe if you didn't steal my daughter we wouldn't act so weird!"
"I'm not stealing Morgan from you."
"Yeah right"
"When did you become so jealous Ally?" I get up and leave the room. What the hell is there problem!?

Just so you know this takes place right before the Reflection tour. Just a filler chapter for what is going to come next.😊

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