Chapter 14

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Ally's POV
I've fixed things with Morgan now I have to fix things with Lauren.i go to the back lounge where Lo is reading a book. "Hey can I talk to you?" "Sure" she puts her book down

"Lo I'm really sorry you had to see me and Camila kissing. I knew you liked me but I didn't say anything and that only made things worse."

"It's okay Ally. I'm sorry for calling Troy here. I think we could have handled this better,but I think it's all gonna work out now. I just want you to be happy and if that happiness is with Camila I'm okay with it."

"Thanks lo" I say hugging her

"Get off and go get your girl!"

I den off to the front lounge to find Camila sitting by herself. I pull her off the couch and kiss her. It takes her a second to realize what was going on but she kisses back. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask once we pull away.


"Yes the ship has sailed!" Dinah yells
"What!?" Normani and Morgan yell at the same time. Creepy.

"We're together" I say smiling

"Omg! Camally!" They say at the same time again. Okay now it's starting to freak me out.

As if reading my mind Camila speaks up. "Can you please stop you're freaking Ally out"

"Sorry" they say and go back into their bunks.

Morgan's POV

My mom and Camila are together! I'm happy for them but what if they get married and decided they want kids of their own, not me. No i can't think like that. Mommy loves me so does Camila. I'm just gonna take a nap.


I wake up to the sound of well nothing. that's weird the bus is usually so loud. Either something is wrong or everyone is asleep. Getting out of my bunk i go to the front lounge. Oh. My. Gosh. "What the hell!" i yell, now Dinah and Normani are making out(thanks Grammer Queen for the vocabulary)

"Morgan don't say that" Normani says sternly. Dinah just laughs earning a slap from Mani.

" you can tell anyone. Were not ready to tell the other girls"

"fine! When did this start?"

"Right before tour"

"Are you serious!?" I yell

"yes, be quiet Lo is asleep."

"We're are my mom and Mila"

"Camally is out on a date" Mani says

"Great" my phone starts ringing. It's my grandma.

*phone call*

P: hi Morgan
M:hi grandma
P: can you put you mother on the phone? I've been trying to get ahold of her but she hasn't answered her phone
M: she's out on a date
P: with who? I thought she broke up with Troy
M: with Camila
P: that's great!
M: it is
P: arent You happy for you mom
M:of course but-
"Morgan, Lauren lets go!" I was cut off by Dinah yelling
M: grandma I have to go
P: okay baby girl I love you
M: love you too! Bye
*end of phone call*

"Where are we going?"

"To the hotel" Lo says

"Hurry up!" Dinah yells from outside the bus.

Grabbing our bags me and Lo head outside where Dinah and Mani are waiting. Of course I fall down the steps.

"Someone's been hanging out with Mila to much" Dinah laughs

"Shut up DJ"

"You okay?" Lo asks helping me up

"I'm fine" I say glaring at Dinah

"Here's your room key Morgan, Lo you're rooming with me and Dinah"

"So I get my own room?"

"No silly you're sharing with Ally and Mila"

After I got settled I was really hungry. I texted Lauren and asked if I could order room service she said yes.this is gonna be fun.

I ordered a pizza, chocolate milkshake, Ice cream sundae, chocolate cake,and cheesecake. While I waited I decided to watch a movie on Netflix. I put on children of the corn and ate.

By the time the movie was over I had eaten half of my pizza, cake, and cheesecake; I finished off my milkshake and sundae. I was on my fifth slice of pizza when someone knocked on the door. "Open up its Normani"

"Hi Manibear" i say stuffing my face

"You eat like Camila"

"Thank you"

"Hey is that chocolate cake!?"


"And cheesecake?"


"Who said you could get it?"


"I'm confiscating these"

"What!? No!"

"Yes! now get some sleep! Goodnight I love you!"

"Love you too" she leaves the room, with my deserts!

*next day*

*knock knock knock* "Mila, Morgan, Ally open up!" Ugh who knocks on the door at 7am?

"Dinah what are you doing up?"

"Long, wet story"

"Let my guess Lauren dumped a bucket of water on you?"

"Maybe.....Tell Mila and Ally they need to get ready we have an interview today"

"There not here"


"They never came to the hotel"

"Get dressed in gonna go find them"
Dinah sent Mani and Lauren to watch me while she went to find ally and Camila. Mani was doing my hair when Lauren's phone rang, it was Dinah she put it on speaker.

*phone call*
"Don't come back to the bus! I've seen things! I'm heard even worse things! Don't come back!"
"Dinah what's wrong? are you okay?did you find Ally and Camila?" Lauren asks
"No I am not okay! And yes I found them I wish I didn't!"
"Why?what happened?" I asked
"Did Morgan here that?"
"Well I'm gonna go"
*End of phone call*

*10 minutes later*

"Get your ass in there" we here Dinah yell followed by mom and Camila coming into the room. Normani mumbles something about 'the walk of shame' and takes me into her room.
I can clearly her Lauren and Dinah yelling at mommy and Mila. Something about leaving me for sex I can't really hear and when I tried to ask Mani what sex was she just said I would understand when I'm older.

Mommy and Mila came into apologize to me, which I accepted I love them too much to stay

I didn't know if you guys wanted smut or not so I didn't write it, if you do want it tell me. Camally is together! So is Norminah! Last night I kept mumbling Lauren in my sleep......does anyone else do this or is it just me?

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