Chapter 2: A Blood Connection

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I ran as fast as my vamp speed could take me

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I ran as fast as my vamp speed could take me. That bite was still on my mind no matter how fast I ran, I finally stopped when I reached the cemetery. It's a good thing I'm dead or else I would have passed out from running so long.

His taste couldn't leave my lips as I wiped the blood away with my tongue. I growled in frustration and kicked the nearest head stone and it broke into pieces. I kept repeating the same question over and over in my head.

'Why won't he leave my mind?'

Little did I see what was coming when I touched my lips and felt some blood still lingering there. My eyes clouded up and my vision blurred as something popped into my mind.

'Ethan and I were at the place where he "killed me" the night I tried to go through with my plan. We were standing in front Sarah and that loser, Benny. Benny threw a wooden stake at me and then out of nowhere, Ethan pushed me out of the way and took the stake to the heart. He died quickly with a scream of my name. Sarah vamp speeded over to me with a dagger covered in holy water, and then I died crying Ethan's name.'

My mind cleared up as soon as my body was destroyed. I felt shocked over seeing this. Somehow when I drank Ethan's blood, I got his power. "How is this possible?" I said to myself.

What I didn't know is that Ethan had the same vision and was wondering the same thing.


'Where did that vision come from? I usually have to touch something in order to see something

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'Where did that vision come from? I usually have to touch something in order to see something. The only thing I was touching was... the bite mark!'

It made me realize that there was more going on here than Jesse and I thought. So, as soon as they leave, I'm going to...


I was pulled out of my thoughts by Benny who had shouted out my name. I looked up at him with a confused expression.

"Are you okay? We just saw you zone out." He asked me with a concerned tone in his voice.

"He just needs to sleep dear, we should leave him alone so he can rest." Spoke his grandmother. This is the perfect excuse that I needed. I did a fake yawn and it must of worked because they all said their goodbyes and left.

That's when I reached under my bed and found the copy of Benny's spellbook he was cool enough to make for me in case I needed it. I flipped through it until I found the page I was looking for.

Sending A Mind Message

In times of crisis or great importance, the priests of the Earth created this spell to be able to send special messages to the person of their choice.

This spell is tricky because someone can intercept your message and then it wouldn't get sent through completely.

This spell is also trouble because it can't be used between any two person. Each person must have a special connection with the other in order for the spell to go through with the greatest chance of being taken.

Now, these are the key things that are required for the spell to be executed properly:

A flower scented candle

Your message written in your blood

A part of the other person

One blue fire match (made from any blue flower)

When you have all things prepared, follow these steps to send your message:

Light your scented candle and wait for the flame to change from red and orange to blue, the color of spirit

Take the part of the other and place it over the flame where it will burn down to show the name of the person you wish to send it to.

Take your message and place only the corner of it into the flame and say the spell 3 times while in your mind, say the message.

This is the spell: I wish to find the connection of minds

*Seers have the best mind connection for this task*

It was a good thing that I've seen this spell before, or I wouldn't have what I needed to go through with it. All I needed to do was go over to my closet and grab them (I hid them for safe keeping) and set everything up.

In five short minutes I was sitting on the floor doing the last part of the spell.

"I wish to find the connection of minds" (one)

"I wish to find the connection of minds (two)

" I wish to find the connection of minds" (three)

A beautiful thing happened after I said the spell one last time. The flame turned into a eagle and swept out of the room to deliver its message, and then the room was covered in darkness as flame faded into the night.

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