Chapter 7: Feelings Revealed

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Did I just hear that right? Jesse and Ethan are dating? Erica better not be lying or that would be the lowest thing she has ever done

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Did I just hear that right? Jesse and Ethan are dating? Erica better not be lying or that would be the lowest thing she has ever done. I mean come on, Jesse is the ex that turned me into a vampire and Ethan is the guy I've had a crush on ever since he "killed" Jesse. To think I thought that Ethan actually liked me. Is everything I know a lie?

"You CANNOT be serious!" I practically screamed at Erica, Ethan and Jesse. Ethan shrank into Jesse at my cry, Erica just stood there probably waiting for a fight to break out and Benny was looking everywhere but at us.

"Sarah . . ."

I looked over to see Ethan crying, and these tears weren't angry ones from my outburst. Ethan was sad because of my reaction. I have never seen him cry and it wasn't a sight that I would ever want to see again. Seeing one of your friends cry feels like your heart has split in two. I don't have a heart, but the feeling is still the same.

I didn't have the heart to talk to him. I was afraid that I would upset him more. Lucky for me, Benny was the one to speak first.

"Why didn't you tell us, E?" He asked and it sounded like he was close to tears. Having your best friend lie to you about something like this isn't a happy feeling.

"Because I figured that you would hate me and then you would kill Jesse." He told us. Ethan thinks we would hate him? No one could hate him. He is the nicest person that you could ever meet. Of course we are angry, but we can get over it, after all we are teenagers. Well, Benny is anyway but I am seventeen so techinally I am a teenager.

"We could never hate you Ethan, you are too good a person." I told him with a watery smile. Tears were starting to form in my eyes as well.

He walked over to Benny and I and gave us both a hug that we returned instantly. When we pulled away Jesse was staring at us with a sad look in his eyes. 'He must think that Ethan is going to leave him' I thought to myself as Ethan walked back over to him.


'Damn you Xavier! Not only have you come back into my life, you most likely destroyed my relationship with the only person I've ever really cared about in the many decades I've lived

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'Damn you Xavier! Not only have you come back into my life, you most likely destroyed my relationship with the only person I've ever really cared about in the many decades I've lived.'

As Ethan walked back over, a dreaded feeling formed in my undead heart. Inside it felt like Ethan was going to get rid of me so he could stay friends with Sarah and what's his name... oh Benny.

"Jesse I..." I stopped him right there by covering his mouth with my hands. I couldn't hear him say what he wanted to.

"Ethan I understand that you want to stay friends with them, so I will get out of your way and deal with Xavier on my own."

Then I just walked away from the love of my life, the one that was actually important to me, the one that I will always remember. What I didn't expect was Ethan running after me. I turned around and was suprised when I felt Ethan's lips connected to mine. We pulled apart after what felt like years, but I didn't see the usual smile on his face. His smile was sad and you could see the crystal clear tears running down his face, the same way it rained.

"What's wrong, angel?" I asked him as I cupped his face and wiped the tears away. A smile graced his face, I figured that he liked the name I gave him. It was ironic though, an angel dating a vampire.

"I just can't believe that you think that I would leave you for my friends." Ethan told me, taking my hands and linking them with his.

"I love you."

I looked down at him in shock. Did he just say that he loved me? If I had a heart, it would be beating faster than I could run.

"I love you too, Ethan." His response was another kiss to my lips. I smiled into it and pushed forward more. He pushed back and kissed me the way Sarah used to, but so much better.

Ethan was the first to pull away. In his eyes I could see that he had something on his mind.

"What's bothering you, Ethan?" I asked him in concern.

"Jesse, you have to tell me all you know and did with this Xavier guy. I can't help you if I don't know anything about him." He told me. In his eyes I could see that he is scared of something happening to me.

"Okay, but you have to promise me that if something happens, you will kill him no matter what he says." I urged him to agree. Ethan doesn't know (yet) that Xavier's best at getting into people's heads.

"I promise."

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