Chapter 9: Jesse's First Victim

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Everyone was shocked at the truth, Xavier wants the power of the seer

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Everyone was shocked at the truth, Xavier wants the power of the seer. The ability to see into the future is one of the greatest gifts a person could ask for, especially a vampire. It is unknown to most that a vampire created the power. Some vampires have dedicated their lives to find a way to become human but by mistake create things much greater.

"He wa... wants me?" Ethan stuttered. Jesse pulled him close as he felt Ethan's tears fall onto his shirt.

"Why don't I just continue this?" Jesse said and they all nodded.

19th Century

In the 19th century, Jesse stared up into the eyes of the man who he thought killed him, he saw nothing but a deep black.

"What did you do to me?" He shouted up at the "doctor". He just laughed and moved the collar of his shirt to reveal the bite mark that was still present.

"I turned you into one of my own. You're a vampire now." He said in complete delight. Jesse's eyes widened as big as the moon. 'I can't be a vampire!', he thought.

"Sorry but it's true, don't worry about the bite though. It will disappear when you claim your first victim, which I will gladly pick out for you." Xavier told the young man.

"But why did you choose me?"

"Because you are perfect for seducing young ones for their powers."

Jesse was shocked at this story. He didn't expect to be turned into a bloodsucker to be a witch hunter.

Present Day

"So that's why you were turned." Ethan said.

"Only one thing came out of me being a vampire, and it's you Ethan." Jesse told him.

"Whatever, just get to the part where you killed your first person." Erica said, getting annoyed with all the romantic junk.


19th Century

For the past month Xavier trained Jesse as his vampire apprentice. He taught him everything he needed to know. No going to church, don't eat garlic, don't work with wood and most important, how to blend in. Some people were also trained, but to find and kill vampires. But they only hunted at night, since vampires hated sunlight.

But there's something that they don't know. Vampires can survive in sunlight. It's at that time that Dr. Xavier Black sent Jesse to find his first prey, the minister's daughter Victoria Reyes. Secretly hidden from her father, Victoria is a High Earth Priestess. Everynight she goes throughout the town to spread her magic. She has cured illness and stopped deaths that the doctor couldn't, everyone thought it was just miracles.

Certain people believed that if their physician couldn't create these miracles, that he should step down and the one responsible take his place. But Xavier wasn't going to have all his work go to waste, that's where his little slave comes in.

Jesse walked through town searching for the red headed beauty. When he stopped her outside the church sitting at the fountain, he knew that he couldn't fail without his own undead blood being spilt.

"Excuse me, Victoria?" Jesse spoke out as he reached his destination. She looked up at him with a curious glaze covering her eyes.

"How may I help you, Jesse?" She asked with a kindess that only one who worked directly with the church could speak.

"Can you accompany me to the woods for something important." He asked her, hoping the nervousness in his voices wasn't noticed. She must not have noticed because she nodded.

He grabbed her hand and took her on the five minute walk that lead to the area in the woods where he would commit the ultimate crime.

"What is it that you need me to do, Jesse?" She asked but she saw something that horrified her. The bite mark on his neck was visible.

"I'm sorry," and then he lunged. The fangs cut threw her neck like butter. You could tell what kind of powers she had by the taste of her blood. She could heal and control the element of nature. Power flowed through his veins, the energy was so strong it took all of his will power to keep going until the job was done.

Once it was he withdrew and watched her drained body cripple to the group. His master came out soon after to see his work.

"Excellent job, now give me the power."

Jesse knew what he had to do, he drew his sleeve and Xavier bit down to get the magic blood that still coursed threw his veins. He groaned from the pain, but he knew there was more to come...

Present Day

"I can't believe that you killed a chick, that sounds totally hot." Benny cried at Jesse. Jesse just rolled his eyes and was about to continue when he heared footsteps coming from the gym exit. And there at the door was the "devil incarnate".

"Telling your boyfriend about the good old days, Jesse?" He asked him.

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