Chapter 8: Jesse's Turn

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As we walked back into the gym to join the others, I kept thinking about how helpful they are going to be

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As we walked back into the gym to join the others, I kept thinking about how helpful they are going to be. If he is a threat to me I'm sure they would help but if he's not, they wouldn't care and just let Jesse get killed by the guy. I had to convince them that helping Jesse would be helping me too.

"Well well, look who decided to come back." Erica said in her usual bitchy tone. I rolled my eyes, knowing that this was just the way she acted ever since she was turned.

"You better watch your mouth, princess." Jesse growled and stepped toward her. I moved between and pushed them away from eachother so they wouldn't kill eachother.

"Look, I know you all hate Jesse but if you try to kill him, remember that I always carry holy water and wooden stakes." I told the girls angrily. They both stepped back looking scared, which is good cause that's what I was going for.

"Jesse, why don't you start talking about this Xavier dude who almost killed E." I heard Benny say trying to disapate the tension around us. He nodded and motioned for all of us to sit down on the bleachers. Erica sat next to Sarah who sat next to Benny who sat next to me while I sat at the end with Jesse.

"Okay, I meet Xavier when I was..."



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19th Century

It was the 19th century, a long time before the city was renamed. Jesse was seventeen when he meet Dr. Xavier Black, the local physician. He had scratched up his arm pretty bad when he was running through town and fell trying to make it to church on time. The doctor had seen the fall since he didn't attend church due to his important job and rushed Jesse into his office quickly.

He examined his arm and told him that he needed to wrap it up with some medication and he would be fine in a few weeks, but he had to come back two times a week to have a new wrap applied to his arm.

But when Dr. Xavier went to apply the wrap,the strong scent of his blood flew up inside his body. The smell was so irresistible to the doctor because he hasn't feed in months. He couldn't take it and dug his fangs into the slender neck of his patient. When Jesse tried to scream, a hand was clasped over his mouth to silence him. Soon all Jesse saw was black.

Xavier withdrew and licked the blood off his lips. He looked down to admire his work, the change was already beginning. Xavier hadnt taken enough blood to kill him. He took enough to turn him into what he was, a vampire...

Present Day

"So he was the one that turned you?" Ethan asked Jesse. He nodded slowly. Today he could still feel the pain of the bite that changed his life forever.

"If he hadn't turned me that day, I would have never met any of you." Jesse told everyone, specifically Ethan. Ethan leaned up and gave him a quick peck while the others were making either kissy faces or gagging noises.

"Come on Jesse, what happened next?" Sarah asked. Jesse hadn't told anyone about his past before.

"Let me see... when I woke up..."


9th Century

Once the darkness faded away, his eyes opened up to find an unfamiliar place. The walls were stained a deep red with shelves filled with strange items such as dragon scales, phoniex feathers and other things. Jesse saw the room contained no windows, the only light came from torches lining the walls between the shelves.

He walked over to the only door to find it locked. He thinks that he is no longer in town, for he knows every inch of the town he grew up in. Muffled sounds could be heard from behind the door so he quickly moved back to the bed. Just as the door opened he landed on the bed and closed his eyes.

The door opened to reveal Xavier Black dressed completely in black instead of his usual white uniform. The moon was out, so he could show his real form. He looked down at his latest prey, he had alot of work to do with his new "apprentice."

Xavier had a different taste in humans. He was the only male vampire that he knew of, that prefered male victims instead of female. Dr. Xavier Black is a homosexual vampire, which would cause him to die more than one death. Back then it was a crime against mother nature herself to be a vampire or homosexual. His head would roll and his body would burn to insure that he pay for his crime.

"I know your awake, Jesse." He told Jesse...

Present Day

"Wait, that dude is gay?" Benny question. All Jesse had to do was nod and all hell broke loose. The girls started screaming at eachother and Benny was just freaking out on his own. Ethan was just stone faced and gazing ahead at nothing.

"Why was he a gay vampire?" Erica asked.

"Because it is said that male witches have more stronger powers than females." Jesse told them.

"But why did he come here? What power does he want?" Ethan asked worriedly. Jesse tried to look away from Ethan because the answer would devastate him.

"Jesse, who's power does Xavier want!" Sarah screamed. Jesse looked over at Ethan and stared him deep in the eyes.


{🎉🎆💃🇺🇸Happy New Year🇺🇸💃🎆🎉}

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{🎉🎆💃🇺🇸Happy New Year🇺🇸💃🎆🎉}

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