Chapter 11: Calm Before The Storm

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After everything that happened with Xavier at school I was so happy to go home, but I knew it wasn't over yet

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After everything that happened with Xavier at school I was so happy to go home, but I knew it wasn't over yet. Jesse, Benny, Erica and Sarah were going to be here any minute to discuss what our next move is going to be. I wasn't looking forward to talking about it, he almost killed me a few times today and the wounds were still tender. But I knew that this had to be done, it would be better for everyone if he was gone sooner rather than later. This way we can all relax, until the newest supernatural disaster happens to find its way here.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the door opening and slamming shut, they are here. Jesse made a beeline for me and wrapped one arm around my waist, Benny sat on my other side and gave me a pat on the shoulder and an encouraging smile. Sarah kissed my forehead and sat across from us, and then finally there was Erica who just leaned against the wall not saying anything. She was still mad at me for spraying her in the face with holy water.

"Okay, let's get to the point: Xavier wants Ethan and with his track record he will get him. He'll use him as a slave like he did with me, take him as a snack because of his special blood or..." Jesse trailed off, the last thing probably too horrible for him to say, but what's worst than being bled dry by a centuries old vampire?

"Come on Jesse, don't stop at the good part." Erica spoke up and I could feel that she had a smirk on her face. Sarah glared and Jesse growled but it didn't change her expression. So I turned around and looked her dead in the eye (no pun intended) and gave her a look that said 'I will stake you if you don't lose your attitude' and that did it.

"Just say it Jesse, I'm sure it's not that bad." I joked lightly but he wasn't in the joking mood, he was in the 'this is life or death and may be the most serious thing ever' mood. He took a deep breath, that he didn't need and began to speak again.

"Xavier has been know to take mates and they always end up being human, powerful men with much to offer him. But once he's done he either kills them or keeps them. After all of my years serving him he has only ever kept one, me. But knowing him he will keep Ethan. A seer with rare blood, one of a kind would be a prize for any supernatural creature... and he also loves taking things that belong to me."

Once he stopped we all took a moment to take this in. Xavier wanted more than I thought: he wants my power, my blood, my life...and my virginity. And from the way Jesse sounded there is nothing and no one he wouldn't go through to get all of it.

"What can we do to stop him besides me ripping his throat out." Sarah growled out. I grabbed her hand and squeezed and it seemed to calm her down. We all looked to Jesse but he was staring off into space, his eyes void as he escapes into his mind. I reach down and touch the hand on my waist and I gasp, my eyes going white as I'm pulled into a vision.

Jesse was leaning over me shirtless as he stared down at me, also shirtless with a sheet covering us from the waist down. I looked into his eyes and for once there was fear in plain sight. I grabbed his hands and laced them together with mine as reassurance.

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