Chapter 3: One Meeting, Two Realizations

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I just stood there like a statue, not knowing what I should do next

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I just stood there like a statue, not knowing what I should do next. My mind was at a blank, it felt like it wasn't even there. I am frozen where I stand, my feet won't move no matter how much I will them too. It was as if some kind of magical force was keeping me from leaving the graveyard.

And I was right. I heard a loud noise, it sounded like it came from some kind of bird. I looked behind me and saw a magnificent purple hawk flying toward me at a fast speed. It came closer and closer until it went right through me.

A flash went through my body and then, a voice came through my ears. The voice I could tell was coming from him. He was sending me a message.


If this spell worked, it means that you can hear my voice in your mind right now. I am sending you a message, because I want us to see each other and find out about this connection. I know you feel it too, or else you wouldn't be hearing me right now. Meet me outside of my house, at the spot where I... thought I killed you. I swear that I won't try anything, but if you do, I will have but no choice to try and kill you the right way this time.

I hopefully will see you at midnight tonight.


So he felt it too? I never thought I would actually smile at something like this, especially when it was coming from "a piece of meat." The numb feeling that consumed my body left after the message was finished, so that probably means I can move again. So, first in my mind I looked to find the place Ethan was talking about, and then I was off.



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11:55 p.m

I saw the time and knew that if he had gotten the message, he would be waiting outside for me soon. So as quickly and quietly as I could I crept through the house so I wouldn't wake my family. It was a good thing that Benny didn't stay the night, or this would be a lot harder. In fact, I wouldn't have been able to do the spell if he was here.

In no time I was at the door, I could feel that something was outside waiting. 'That must be Jesse' I thought as I took a deep breath and stepped outside. My feelings were confirmed as I saw him, arms crossed and leaning against the tree where he "died."

"I didn't think you would show up, after all I did try to kill you twice." I said after an awkward silence, you could've cut through the air with a knife. Jesse laughed at the comment.

"I know exactly what you mean." He said with a chuckle that made my heart skip a beat, which was one of the things I needed to talk about. I took another deep breath for this meeting.

"Listen Jesse about that bite, I felt something and I don't know exactly how to explain it but it felt good. I know that sounds wrong and this might too but I can't get you out of my head and that vision that I saw and I believe you saw too, shocked me because I never thought that something like that would happen."

I had to stop talking to catch my breath and I looked over to see that he was just staring at me. He nodded in my direction, which means that he says I can continue with my lack of a better word, rant.

"I didn't even know that someone else could see the same things that I did. Also, I can feel whenever your near me and that isn't something I can explain. All I know is that there must be some kind of connection because the mind message spell actually wor..." I was stopped right there by... Jesse and he was kissing me!

I didn't know how to react to something so sudden and unexpected. But it was the most intense pleasure I had ever felt, my mind took control then and before I knew it, I was kissing him back.

We had the break apart after a few minutes so I could catch my breath. If someone saw us right then, they would've thought that something happened because my breathing was labored and our skin was flushed with a very light pink tint to it.

I wasn't against what he did, but I still had to ask:

"Why did you just kiss me?"


I never knew that one person could talk so fast and not need to breath every ten seconds, he only needed to stop once before I told him he could move on

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I never knew that one person could talk so fast and not need to breath every ten seconds, he only needed to stop once before I told him he could move on. And then he talked even faster, that's when I walked over to him and pushed my lips onto his and it felt different, but in a good way.

I've kissed plenty of girls before and it was great, but with Ethan if felt like I was actually alive again. If I was actually alive, my heart would have stopped when he kissed me back. I would have stayed there, but he was running out of breath, so I pulled back so he could actually have air return to his lungs.

When he was finished, he looked up at me and asked, "Why did you just kiss me?" I just smiled at his confused expression and the blush that was spreading on his cheeks.

"I kissed you because I needed to shut you up so I could tell you that I agree and that..." I stopped there, I saw in his eyes that he knew what I was talking about.

"That you may have feelings for me." He said with a smile, I shoke my head and the smile fell from his face. I just sighed and grabbed his and pulled him closer so that we are just an inch apart and just said, "I do have feelings for you, and maybe you would be willing to make this work, but slow?" I waited for his answer, and all he did was just stare at me.

He looked shocked and awestruck at what I said, it made me think that he didn't want to try this. 'Probably because I've almost killed him twice' I thought as I let go of his uninjured wrist.

I was about to run off when he tapped my shoulder, I turned around and he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me until our lips were touching again. He moaned at the contact, which gave me room to slither my tongue into his mouth, but that's when he broke it off.

"So is that a yes?" I asked him hopefully. He smiled at me and nodded. I didn't know what to do so I just pulled him into a hug.

Not knowing that someone was watching us.

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