Chapter 5: An Early End of the Day

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1st Period: History

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1st Period: History

I arrived in class just as the bell rang again, and it was a good thing that the teacher usually came in last. Or I would have been in a lot of trouble, which being me I could've gotten out of quickly. Just because I was gone, doesn't mean I've lost my reputation around here. If someone did, I'll just remind them of how I can be.

Back to the first class of the day, History. History for me is just a waste of time. Everything that we learned about I lived through, so this was just a reminder of how old I really am. And let me just say, we go way back in this class.

My thoughts of the past were interrupted by Mr. Lewis when he called my name. I just gave him a nod and he just repeated my name, this was getting really annoying so I just growled "here".

"Well, well, I never thought that you would come back to school, Jesse." He told me with a small chuckle. This gave me the perfect opportunity to scare the shit out of him.

"Then you'll be shocked to hear that I came back out of my own free will." The look on his face proved that I was right, in fact everyone had the same look on there face. I could hear people whispering 'why would I want to come back to school', I just smirked.

"Yeah, there are some things I want to change around here before I leave this hell hole forever." Saying things like this is in my nature, so no one cared that I said hell.

"Ok, today class we will be starting a paper that will be worth half of your final grade this year and it must be on a historical figure that you learned about from my class only, it must be at least one thousand words or five pages. Extra credit will be given if you do both, you will be chosing your figure today and filling out a basic outline sheet. Try to fill it out without looking things up if you can, you may begin."

Oh my god, that man does not know how to shut his mouth. Everytime he gives us these harsh assignments or says something about history that I have to correct him for, I just want to rip him to pieces with just my fangs. But then his horrible taste would be in my head forever. I shivered at the thought of that gross of a human being, being stuck in my memory.

Back to the project, I know exactly who to do the project on. I knew the person very well and I still know them, it's me. It's a good thing that we learned about my life this year or I would fail this paper and class.

Anyway, I looked at the outline sheet and it was all the basics of my life:

Date of birth

Date of death

Place of birth

And much much more, but it only took me 10 minutes to fill everything out. I didn't have to look up a single thing. By the time the period ended, I had already 500 words down.


2nd Period: Gym

Finally, a class that I can enjoy. It's probably the only class that I take that I actually enjoy and participate in. This gym class is coed and it is a mix of all grades, so I gives me a chance to show off and scare the younger kids. That doesn't just mean the ninth graders, everyone in the school is younger than me.

My gym period isnt going to be good today because I remembered that I have it with Sarah, Erica, and Benny, and he isnt going to be thrilled to see that I am back in school. Ethan I hope will be fine, but a bit scared.

"Why are you still here?" I heard someone shout at me from behind. I looked over my shoulder to see Sarah glaring at me, and if looks could kill I wouldn't be standing.

"Easy there princess, what did I do?"

A sharp pain formed in my face, Sarah had just slapped me. I rubbed my cheek, a slap from a vampire could break your face.

"What did you do? You turned me into a vampire and then bit Ethan!"

"He's alive, so why are you mad at me?"

"Because I have to hurt him now and tell him I can't be friends anymore."

Oh, I forgot that vampires get an addiction to the blood of the person that turned them into a full vampire. Vampires do one of three things to them:

1. Keep them as a personal blood bank

2. Suck them dry

3. Compel them to forget about you and leave their life forever

Knowing Sarah, I hope that she does number three, because I can't let Ethan die.

"Tell who you can't be friends?" A voice rang over Sarah and I. We both looked to see Ethan standing behind us. He was only wearing shorts, no t-shirt or anything to cover his upper body. All that hunting creatures is really paying off because he is getting some muscle.

I must have been staring because he was blushing and I heard Sarah giggle. 'She must think he's blushing at her' I thought.

Before I could say anything, the bell rang across the room in an echo of noise. The gym teacher told us that we had a choice of going outside to play volleyball or stay inside and play basketball or practice archery.

I decided to try my hand at archery, I haven't done it since I was 100 years old. So I went over and grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows, then moved to one of the targets. The last one available happened to be occupied by none other than Ethan. Sarah and the others had gone outside to play volleyball. This gives me some time to be alone (sort of) with him.

I saw that he was having trouble getting into the right position. So I walked over to help. He tensed up when I touched his shoulder.

"Just relax, I won't bite." I whispered against his neck, which made him shiver, I smiled knowing I had this effect on him. In no time he lined up and shot, making the arrow go through the air and into the bullseye. He yelled out as it hit his mark and started jumping up and down. I had to place both hands firmly on his shoulders to stop him so he didn't humiliate himself.

"Thanks, Jesse." He smiled at me and quickly pecked me on the cheek.

"Aww, now isn't that sweet." An unknown voice said in front of us. We both looked over to see an older looking man dressed in all black with blood red eyes. If I remember correctly, there is only one vampire that has that shade of red eyes or red eyes at all.

"Xavier?" I whispered to myself but I could tell that Ethan heard me because he was staring at me.

"Who's Xavier?" He asked.

"The only thing you need to know right now, is that we are going to be leaving school early."

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