Chapter 6: Jesse's Past and Ethan's Confession

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Why won't Jesse tell me about this strange man? What does he want with Jesse anyway? But I knew I would figure it out as we left the school through the gym exit

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Why won't Jesse tell me about this strange man? What does he want with Jesse anyway? But I knew I would figure it out as we left the school through the gym exit. This has to be vampire business because if it wasn't, they could talk in the school. I could tell that things were going to go south from here.

I looked over at Jesse next to me and by the look on his face, he wasn't happy that this guy is here. But you can't blame him, this guy looks like bad news. He did look familiar in some way, but I don't know how.

Anyway, we kept walking until we reached the edge of the woods near the back of the school.

"What are you doing here? I thought that I killed you a long time ago!" Jesse practically shouted at the mystery man (at least to me he is).

"What, no hello for your mentor?" He said with the same sarcastic voice that Jesse and Erica used all the time. I looked between them and you could feel the tension in the air around us. Anger filled my veins because no one noticed me, they probably forgot I was even here.

"Who are you?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Well well well, it seems that your precious boyfriend doesn't know everything about you." The man Xavier, said toward Jesse in a mocking tone that had me holding Jesse back so he wouldn't kill him.

Next thing I knew he was running at me and held me against him with a dagger grazing my neck. The sharp edge of the blade pressed into my skin without drawing blood. Jesse stood there growling at Xavier with his fangs barred together. I tried to break free by struggling against his grip, but he pulled tighter and pushed the blade harder against my neck. It was just hard enough for blood to spill out.

Xavier pulled me even more closer to get the scent of my blood. It must be strong because Jesse was sniffing the air and had a glazed look in his eye. My eyes widened when he took the dagger and licked the small trail of blood from its sharp side.

"Oh Jesse, you always did know how to pick the one's with the best blood." Xavier said with a sickening voice that made me shiver like the air was below zero. If Jesse could've gotten any angrier, he just did after what he said.

"He is different than all those witches and priests. He is not going to die by my hands!" Jesse told the man with a seriousness in his voice that couldn't be faked or bluffed.

"What are you talking about, Jesse?" I asked him with a plea, being in this mans arms instead of Jesse's is not something I'm going to make a habit of. Jesse could tell that I looked scared but he must of saw what I was trying to tell him with my eyes, right?

"Ethan, I want to tell you but now's not a good time." He told me. I nodded as much as I could without being cut again.

Xavier laughed a creepy laugh and looked down at me with hunger in his eyes. Being buried underground for awhile must make a vampire hungry.

"Don't worry Jesse, I think he will find out for himself." Xavier said with a wicked grin.

With that he flashed his fangs and grabbed me, pulled my head to the side, exposing my neck more to him. When he was just about to sink in, I grabbed the special bottle of holy water I kept with me and sprayed him in the mouth, almost like what I did to Erica.

He howled from the intense pain burning in his mouth and stumbled back, causing me to be freed of his grip. I let out the breath I didn't remember holding and ran over to Jesse. He grabbed my hand and we ran back in the direction of the school. When we entered the gym again the only people who we saw were Sarah, Erica and Benny, they were all glaring at Jesse.

'They probably think that he took me to try and kill me' I thought as we headed toward the exit, but our path was blocked by my so called friends.

"Let go of him Jesse, I have a wooden steak and I'm not afraid to use it." Benny said while gripping said steak in his hands so tight his knuckles lost all color. I looked over at the girls and their fangs were barred at Jesse the same way his were about 5 minutes ago.

"Guys relax, he didn't do anything to me." I told them hoping they would all calm down.

"Then what are you doing with Jesse?" Sarah asked, the tone of her voice told me that she was completely irritated and annoyed by this. After all, I am running around the school with her ex boyfriend who is also the guy who almost turned me.

I turned to Jesse and asked with my eyes if we could tell them. He must of known what I meant because he nodded and squeezed the hand I forgot he was holding. But I couldn't tell them myself, they would hate me knowing that I kept it from them. Friends like them come around only once in a life time, because how many people do you know that is friends with a vampire?

"Why don't you ask Erica? I'm sure that she can tell you, after all it's the reason she was sprayed with holy water." I told them.

Instantly all eyes were on Erica waiting for her to tell the secret that almost got her killed.

"Okay, since Ethan basically gave me permission to tell you, here it is . . ." she took a breath that she didn't even need and told them the big secret.

"Jesse and Ethan are dating."

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