Chapter 4: Secrets That Could Kill

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Clapping was heard from the bushes which made us break apart faster than Jesse could run

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Clapping was heard from the bushes which made us break apart faster than Jesse could run. We both looked over to see... Erica watching us with a smirk on her face, she looked too happy that she saw us together and that one of us wasn't dead.

"Well well well, what do we have here? I never thought that THE Jesse Black would be kissing a mortal guy. What would everyone think?" She spoke with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"What I do is none of your business, Erica. Especially, who I see." Jesse told Erica with anger dripping from his voice like poison.

"Actually, it is my business since you put me in a trace earlier, and you turned my best friend into a vampire forever!" I could tell that she was getting madder and madder with every word that came from Jesse's mouth.

The next thing I knew, she had me up against the tree by the neck with her fangs bared at me, she was getting angry with me now. Jesse tried to come toward me but Erica pushed him back with her free arm.

"Come at him again and I'll break his neck." That made him freeze completely. Erica smiled like she had won, but good thing I came prepared. While she was looking over at Jesse, I managed to pull out the holy water that I brought just in case he didn't want to talk.

"Hey, Erica."

She turned around and I sprayed the water right in her eyes. She screamed and cringed away putting her hands to her face. I fell to the ground and rubbed my soar neck while trying to catch my breath. Jesse came over and lifted me in his arms and flew me up to my bedroom, so Erica couldn't come barging in without waking my parents and risking her being exposed.

"That was a very smart move you did back there, but where did you get the holy water?" Jesse asked me with praise and curiosity in his voice.

"I always keep a stash of this in my room for protection."

"Good move, just don't use any on me." I laughed but then stopped because he was actually serious. I grabbed his hand and said, "I promise that I won't do what I just did to Erica, to you." He smiled at me and I just moved in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then he was gone.


☪️ The Next Morning 🦇

This morning I knew that my idea would cause a lot of heads to turn and that Erica, Sarah and Benny would want to kill me even more, but I wanted to do this

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This morning I knew that my idea would cause a lot of heads to turn and that Erica, Sarah and Benny would want to kill me even more, but I wanted to do this. People haven't seem me in months, and being the bad boy of the school they would probably think my "parents" sent me somewhere so I could be straighted up. And if they asked, that would be my cover story.

But there are some people who know exactly where I was, buried underground for those months. And they are as you know Erica, Sarah, Benny and Ethan.

As I walked into the school, I knew I was signing my own death warrant for showing my face here again and I was right.

Since I was gone for so long, I had to start my senior year again with the same agenda and same locker. I found a welcome back party standing there, it was none other than Sarah and Erica.

Sarah looked like she wanted to bite my head off, but Erica was ten times worse because of what happened last night. You could still see where the holy water hit her in the face. All I needed to do was act normal.

"Hello ladies, it is wonderful to see you again." I said with a smile and my voice full of sarcasm.

"Cut the crap, Jesse! Erica told me what happened last night!" Sarah told me her voice stronger with every word. I growled and glared over at Erica, who just looked smug, like she had won. The bell rang just after, and I was happy that the school had my back for once.

"While I'd love to be late for class and talk to you two, I can't afford to be late on my first day back so goodbye," and I just walked off. I felt someone grab my arm and whisper, "I'd be careful if I were you with Ethan. This secret could get you both killed." I growled when Erica walked off ahead of me. It wasn't that she was telling me what to do that made me mad, it was the fact that she was right. If we weren't careful, Ethan and I could die.

"This is going to be a long day." I said out loud, as I walked to my first class of the day.

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