Chapter 4 : The Tunnels

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" Jack Frost ? " I question this stranger, who I suddenly feel is very familiar, " I think I've heard of you. "

" It wouldn't surprise me, " Jack says cockily and with a smirk.

" Okay... So why did you run away from me? "

" I didn't want you to recognize me. "

" Recognize you? From where? I would have remembered meeting someone with the last name Frost, " I said crossing my arms in front of my chest and shivering, it was getting chilly outside.

" From nowhere, okay? Just forget about it," he said starting to walk away.

I ran up to him, grabbed his arm and swung him around to face me again. I was determined to get some answers, " I can't just forget about it, tell me. It's the least you can do since you ruined my FAVOURITE sweater, " I made sure I put emphasis on favourite to make him feel bad.

" Look, I didn't mean to bump into you, it was an accident, but if it makes us even I'll tell you. "

" Deal, " I said as we shook hands.

He took a deep breath, " You must promise to tell no one, " he stared at me and I nodded in agreement. " You have probably heard of me from the UTM, I'm well known around there. Part of my reputation is I'm known to never been caught by the cops, and because of that a lot of people will hire me. So, then I saw you in jail and when I bumped into you, I ran so you wouldn't recognize me, and ruin my reputation, " As he finished he put his hand on the back of his neck, showed a shy half-smile, and looked down.

I thought about what he said... I never saw him in jail... Unless... He was the mysterious person in the far corner of the cell. I never even saw his face, but it obviously was him since he recognized me.

" Okay... " I didn't know what else to say, how do you respond to that?

Jack looked at me and then his cocky grin came back, " Sooooo who are you? "

" That's none of your business, " I replied and made my way down the subway entrance's stairs... I didn't want this jerk to know who I was.


She started walking down the stairs, a smile grew on my face, she was playing hard to get... I think... I'm not completely sure... Realizing she was almost to the bottom of the stairs, I skipped down the stairs to where she was.

" What do you want? " she questioned me.

" A name, that's all I want, then I'll leave you alone. "

She stopped walking and turned towards me, " Promise? I have stuff to do that doesn't include you. "

I laughed and shook my head in agreement.

" Elsa, " She started walking again.

I stayed a little bit behind her, " Elsssssaaaaa? "

" No last name. "

" Okay, Elsa no last name, have a nice day, " I said and quickly turned down the next hallway.


" No, you idiot, I don't want to tell you my last name- " I swung my head around to correct Jack, but he was gone.

Where did he go? He was right behind me? I looked around the subway station, but Jack wasn't anywhere to be seen. Where on Earth- Wait... I don't care. I smiled to myself, now I could look for this Hans guy and try to negotiate with him.

I walked to Platform 26, and looked around... Great, there is no one here, my smile grew a little wider, this was my lucky day I guess. Normally, I would have to wait around until everyone was gone or make a big enough distraction in the other direction so no one would notice me.

I scanned the platform again, just in case, no one there, I glanced at the T.V. train scheduling screen to make sure no subway trains would be coming soon, the next train was in 10 minutes, I have lots of time.

I got down on my knees and turned around, so my back was facing the tracks. I placed my hands on the cold and dirty cement and lowered myself onto the tracks. I started walking in the direction the train would come and entered the dark tunnel.

I never liked how dark these tunnels were, you could never know where you were going or what you were stepping on. I could hear rats squeaking and scurrying around the tracks.

I placed my hand along the left side of the wall, at my shoulder height, and let it drag against the side of the tunnel. I was looking for a special brick along the wall, you could tell it by the engraved letters UTM.

I let my fingers feel the brick since I didn't have a flashlight to see it. I have done this so many times that I have even counted out the steps, 38, to be exact. I was almost there, 35, 36, 37, 38.

The brick should be around here somewhere, I put my other hand on the wall and felt the bricks. Usually, I found it by now, my heart beat started to quicken, but I knew I would find it.

I felt a low rumble, my head jerked up from what I was doing. It probably wasn't this pair of tracks, there was no way I had been in there for 10 minutes, although some trains do come early.

I went back to searching the walls, this time a little faster. The rumble was getting louder and louder and I could feel the tracks starting to vibrate. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and I frantically felt along the walls. I would be dead in about 30 seconds if I didn't find it.

I moved my hand a little higher and felt the cool letters UTM, breathing a tiny sigh of relief, I stuck my finger nails around the edge of the brick. I pulled with all my might, the train was getting closer and closer. My fingers kept slipping giving me an awful feeling in my finger tips.

I positioned my fingers again and the brick came out, I could see the headlights of the train now, it was about 10 feet in front of me. I put my fingers in the hole where the brick used to be a pressed down.

I heard a click and a portion of the wall to my left opened and I dashed inside as the train sped past me.

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