Chapter 55 : The End

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*2 Years Later*


The warm sunlight met my face and before my eyes opened I was smiling.

My smile grew even wider when his lips touched mine.

" Good morning, " He said and I opened my eyes to see Jack leaning on his elbow gazing at me. 

I reached up and tried  to fix his hair, which was sticking out in every direction, but he caught my hand before I could and pulled me in for another kiss.

" You have about half an hour before you  have to leave, " He said as he stood up and walked towards the bathroom, " Is that enough time? " He called over his shoulder.

I couldn't help but check him out as he was walking, he turned around and caught me looking, " That's plenty of time, " I said as we both smiled at each other again. 

" When are you meeting up with Flynn? " I asked him.

" In about an hour, we have a couple things to set up, " He said as he reached into the shower and turned the knob as water began to pour out of the faucet. 

I laid back down in bed, as many different thoughts twirled around my mind. 

This was the first time I was going to see Hiccup since the funeral. After Astrid died he really cut himself off for a bit, but I was glad that he was starting to come around again. 

Eventually I forced myself to get up, I looked in the mirror and tried to fix my messy bun as much as possible. I brushed my teeth and threw on the first clothes I saw in my dresser. 

Jack walked out of the bathroom while simultaneously pulling a white t-shirt over his head. 

" I have to get going, " I said as I went on my tippy toes to give him a quick peck on the lips. I went to turn away but he pulled me back in as he dipped me close to the floor. 

" I'm gonna be late, " I managed to say between kisses. 

" Fine, " He said letting me go with a smile on his face.

" I'll see you later, " I said as I grabbed my shoes and headed for the door. 

I left our apartment and entered the elevator. Jack and I had been living here for a little over a year now. After I turned 19 the bank called and I received the money my mother had saved for Anna and I. We used it to get back on our feet and find respectable jobs. At first Anna had been staying here with Jack and I but six months ago she left for a back packing trip across Europe with Kristoff. Today was the first time I was going to see her since she left. 

That thought put a little spring in my step and I picked up the pace on my way to the hotel. 

I walked through the door of a suite and was tackled by Anna who was screaming in my ear. 

" I've missed you so much! " Anna yelled as she gave me the biggest hug. 

" I've missed you too and I want to hear everything about your trip! " I said as I walked farther into the apartment. 

I saw Rapunzel and my eyes started to tear up as I ran to give her a hug, " I'm so excited for you! How does it feel knowing you're getting married today? " I asked.

" I still can't believe its  happening! " She said and I've never seen someone glow with such happiness. 

I saw Merida sitting on a couch nearby and made her give me a hug. As much as I knew she hated hugs she didn't fight me as much as she normally did. 

" Elsa you're up first! " Anna called gesturing to the makeup artist who had everything set up on the kitchen table. 

Within the next 2 hours everyone had their makeup and hair done. Merida would only allow for a little bit of mascara and lip gloss, but we all took that as a win. 

We were all sitting on the bed in our bridesmaid's dresses waiting for Rapunzel to be ready. I looked down a my dress and smiled, I loved the light pink colour that Rapunzel had chosen for us to wear. 

" I'm ready guys, " Rapunzel called as she opened the bathroom door and walked out. 

We were all speechless and I think my jaw almost hit the floor. Her dress was a beautiful strapless gown, that was tight around her waist but frilled out to the ground. She looked like an absolute princess .

" You look amazing, " Anna was the first of us to finally be able to speak and Merida and I nodded along in agreement. 

" Are you ready? " Merida asked as she glanced at the clock, " It's time. "

" I have never been more ready in my life, " she said with the biggest smile on her face. 

We exited the suite and took the elevator down to the main floor where everyone was waiting in the hall.

Jack, Hiccup and Kristoff were waiting for us at the doors to the hall. 

" Hiccup! " I said as I gave him a hug, " Its been way too long. "

" I know, but I plan on sticking around after today, " He said with a smile.

I moved down the line and gave Kristoff a hug, " Thanks for bringing my sister back in one piece. " 

He chuckled, " Anytime. " 

Then I went to go stand beside Jack who was waiting for me and gave him a quick kiss. 

I could hear the music start up and that was our cue to enter the hall. The doors were opened and we began our slow walk to the front of the aisles. 

We parted at the front and Jack went to stand beside Flynn as I stood on the opposite side. Kristoff and Anna were next, followed by Hiccup and Merida, and then finally Rapunzel.

She walked herself down the aisle and I have never been so proud of her in my life. 

The ceremony began and not going to lie I shed a few tears during the vows. But Jack and I couldn't help but to smile and stare at each other the whole time. 

The whole thing happened so fast and the next thing I knew, the ceremony and dinner were both over and Jack was holding me on dance floor.

I looked over and saw Hiccup and Merida dancing together and couldn't help but smile. Maybe they'll finally stop kidding each other and start dating already.

" This was the most beautiful wedding, " I said to Jack as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

" Meh, " He said, " It was alright. "

I looked at him in shock, " How could you say that? This will be, by far, the best wedding ever. "

" Sorry, I have to disagree, " He said as he shrugged his shoulders, " I know, that our's will be a million times better. "

We both smiled as he leaned down and kissed me. 

We parted and I laid my head back on his shoulder. 

And I knew in that moment that he would be the one to make me happy for the rest of my life.

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