Chapter 47 : Lillian Isles

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Even though the blood inside my veins seemed to be boiling right now, I tried to calm down enough to listen to what my father had to say.

" The fire was no accident, " He said looking at me and leaning against the counter that ran along the wall.

" Tell me something I don't know, " I snapped at him, while simultaneously shooting him the harshest glare I possibly could, " What I don't know is why you are not dead. "

My anger hadn't fully calmed down and now it rose back up again. All I wanted for the past 5 years was to have my dad back, but now that he was in front of me, I never wanted to see him again.

" I was getting to that, " he said, " Your mother was an amazing planner and had saved so much money for both you and Anna to go to college with. But after she died, that money was put under lock until you were 19 and not even I could get a hold of it. " 

I glanced at Hans who hadn't spoken a word and was twiddling his thumbs and avoiding eye contact with myself or William.

" I never realized the struggle it was to raise two children without any help and soon I was running out of money and I would have to sell the house in order for us to survive. Until it hit me, we needed to start over, a new beginning with all the insurance money, in a new city would be the best possible way to provide for you and Anna, " he paused for a moment to see my reaction.

" Are you stupid? " I asked, my question seemed to shock him. " You thought putting your kids through watching their house burn down was the best decision? It all makes sense now, you're delusional! " I yelled throwing my hands up in defeat, which reminded me of the fairly new wound in my side that throbbed with my movement. 

" Call me what you want, but I had a good plan, the fire was supposed to start in the garage and you where never supposed to see a single flame, " William explained. " But when I tried to leave the garage the door was jammed shut, I thought I was going to die, until Hans came last minute and pried the door open just enough for me to escape. "

I looked to Hans who gave my dad a shy smile, " Pitch wanted me to set the fire, but he never told me the door was jammed, as soon as I could I ran in to help get you out, " Hans added on.

" Yes, Pitch was supposed to be my friend, I told him my plan and he said he would find a boy to start the fire, but I never knew that he planned for me to not survive, " William continued.

" If he was your friend, why would he want you dead? " I asked, not fully believing his story.

" That's what I've been trying to figure out, he soon discovered that I survived the fire and came searching for me, that why I never came back to find you I knew I would be putting you in danger, if he ever found me. "

This whole story sounded fake, there was no way I was gonna believe what he had to say, but I nodded along like I would've if he hadn't abandoned us. 

" And that's when I met, Lillian, " William said, the cold expression melting from his face as he spoke her name. " Recently divorced, she was looking for a man to help around the house and I was her choice. I helped manage her estate while she provided me with protection from Pitch. I never thought I would fall in love with her until- " 

" Are you kidding me? " I cut him off and the lovely dovey look left his eyes, " Do you honestly think I want to listen to you talk about another woman? How could you possibly think I want to know how you met the skank that took you away from us? "

"Hey! " Hans yelled from the corner of the room, his sudden outburst startled me for a moment. " How dare you talk about my mother that way! " 

I realized it was wrong of me to blame Lillian, it was really my father's fault, " Wait, your mother? " I questioned. " You started dating Hans' mother? "

William nodded his head as he reached for the door knob and began to turn it, " Yes and I'd like you to meet her. "

The door opened and in walked a tall slender woman with hair that matched the same orange red shade of Hans' and a bright smile across her lips. 

Lillian began speaking as she crossed the room towards me, " Hi Elsa, it's wonderful to finally meet you, I'm glad- "

" Don't come any closer, " I cut her off and held my hands up to make sure she kept her distance.

She looked hurt, like she was expecting me to welcome her with open arms. 

" I don't  understand? " she said making her eyes as wide as possible and batting her eyelashes quickly.

" It's okay dear, " William sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders, " Maybe this was all too soon. "

" Too soon? " I glared at him, " Are you telling me there is usually a good time to tell your daughter that you're not dead!? " 

He did not flinch or look surprised by my outburst, but he motioned Hans to come towards him, " We should go, " he stated calmly as they all exited the room. 

" Yeah that's right! Leave me! I know you're so good at it! " I screamed in anger as he shut the door behind him without looking back. 

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