Chapter 6 : Meeting Hans

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" You must be Elsa, " he said, " I'm Hans, " he stuck his hand out to shake mine.

I hesitantly put my hand towards his and he grabbed it and shook it with force.

" How do you know my name? " I asked as he let go of my hand.

" Oh, Anna told me all about you, " he said with a huge grin.

" Okay, so about this whole debt to pay thing- " I started but he cut me off.

" Come with me. "

" I'm sorry, but I usually don't run off with strangers, " I said, starting to slowly move away.

He noticed I was trying to leave and his eyes narrowed towards me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a booth before I could say anything else.

" Let go of m-......" This time I stopped myself. As we went into the booth it looked as if we had stepped into a mansion. The room was about 15 feet long and 10 feet wide, it did not look this big from the outside. The inside walls were covered with huge curtains that were a deep red. To my right and left were big brown leather chairs. At the end of the room was a large mahogany desk, that looked like the edges were lined with gold. There was other miscellaneous furniture, but everywhere something gold was there to decorate it.

I noticed I was still standing at the door with my mouth open like an idiot, and Hans was sitting at a table waiting for my to finally walk over.

" Sorry, I like to speak in more private conditions, any ways you have come to pay off your debt right? " He asked me.

" Actually... No... I don't have to money to pay you back. "

" Okay, then when will you come with the money? "

" See that's the thing... Maybe like 10 years? " I said cringing backwards.

He looked me in the eye and burst into laughter, when he finally stopped laughing he said, " You've got a good sense of humour, but seriously when will we have the money? "

" I was being serious, I don't know what Anna was thinking when she borrowed the money, we have no way to pay you back, so I came to negotiate with you. "

" You seem like a nice girl so let me tell you a secret..." He leaned forward, the light above us casting dark shadows on his face. " When people don't pay us back, the boss gets angry, and when the boss gets angry he'll take anything that can pay us back, " he gestured to the right side of the room and two men in black suits pulled back the curtains to reveal a group of well dressed men playing poker around a large table.

" What's your point? " I asked not seeing anything wrong with the scene in front of us, except probably illegal gambling.

I looked at him and he didn't say anything, so I looked back to the other room and out walked a girl wearing barely any clothes. She was completely skin and bones, you could see everyone one of her ribs. In her hands she had a metal tray full of drinks, she started giving them out to the men. I looked down at her feet and she had iron shackles around them with chains leading into a different room.

I wish I wouldn't have been there because she looked up from what she was doing, noticed me through the glass divider of the rooms and dropped the tray. She ran to the glass and I could barely hear she muffled screams of 'help'.

I was about to get up to do something when I just noticed someone's hands were pinning my shoulders to the chair.

" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! " I screamed at Hans.

He calmly looked at me and said, " Sorry, boss' orders, " while shrugging his shoulders.

I think I'm going to be sick, what is wrong with these people? I looked away from the glass, but the person who was pinning me to the chair turned my head with his large hands, forcing me to watch the scene.

By now the girl was pounding on the glass, her screams a little louder, the men at the table were watching her now and were complaining to each other. Then all of a sudden she hit the ground like a rock, her chains were being pulled into the other room, while she was trying desperately to grab onto anything that could stop her.

Once she disappeared, the men went back to there poker game and the curtains fell down to their original position. The man pinning me to the chair let go and walked to the door.

Hans looked at me and smiled, " In your case the girl in there would be Anna. "

" No! You can't do that! " I yelled, shooting up from my chair.

" Actually I can, so you have to the end of month to repay your debt or you can say good bye to Anna, " he said, grinning wildly.

I couldn't take it anymore, I turned around, and ran straight through the door, pushing past the guard.

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