Chapter 13 : The Intruders

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" Black's Industries? " I pondered, " Why there? "

Jack looked at me, " Because 10,000 is too much to rob a local store, but too little to steal from a bank, so you need something in the middle, " he explained, he pointed at the blueprint again, " Black's Industries is rumoured to have cash in the vaults, so that's what we'll go off of. "

" What if the rumours are wrong? " I asked.

" Then you grab what you can find in the safe, " he responded, " Now the security is tight, but it's nothing I can't handle, the question is, can you? "

I laughed, " That's a joke, of course I can. "

" Okay, so my job is to plan the theft and walk YOU through it, " he put emphasis on the you, " You have to do the stealing part. "

" Wait a second, " I said, " You're not going in with me? "

" Now what would be the point of that? If I was going to do the heist, then I would do it without you and keep all the money, " Jack said.

" You-..... " I tried to think of a good reason, but nothing came.

" That's what I thought, " he smirked at me, " Now I'll watch the operation near by and talk you through it, and help you if you run into trouble, but I won't physically do anything. "

" Okay, so what's your plan? " I asked.

" Well, first you- " he stopped and looked at the ceiling.

" What? " I questioned, but he replied with shushing me. He walked to the same side of the table as me and looked at the stairs.

" No one shushes me, " I said, angry at him being so rude, " You better tell me what's going on- "

Lightning fast, Jack covered my mouth with his hand and pulled me to the wall, I tried to break free, but stopped when I heard footsteps creaking on the floor above us.

He put a finger to his lips and released his grip on my mouth, I kept quiet and leaned against the wall. He reached over and turned off the lights, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. We moved along the wall until we were in the corner behind the stairs.

We stood there waiting and I realized how close we were, our faces were just inches apart, I felt a little uncomfortable, but ignored it due to the situation.

The door opened at the top of the stairs and light shone into the room, we could see the shadow of someone on the floor. They started to move forward and down the stairs, we both slid down the wall together, to avoid being seen. The person came into sight and didn't notice us, they started to look around the room.

Another shadow appeared at the top of the stairs and asked, " Did you find them? "

" Not yet, " the other replied. I couldn't help but realize that the person at the top of the stairs sounded oddly familiar.

They left the stairway and Jack slowly got up, when I started to follow him he held up his hand, signalling to stay where I was.

He waited until the person was close enough and had their back turned. He jumped at them and they engaged in a fight, it was fairly even from what I could tell in the dark. The person from upstairs came running down and joined in on the fight. I couldn't tell who was who anymore and decided to do something.


I stood there fighting with the intruder, when out of no where someone kicked me in the back, I whipped around and tried to battle both of them but it wasn't very successful. Every time I threw a punch at one, the other would hit me from behind.

Then the big fluorescent lights above flicked on, causing all of us to temporary go blind and stop fighting. When I could finally see, I was just about to start fighting again when I saw who was attacking me.

" JACK!?! " both of them exclaimed.

" Merida? Flynn? Why on earth are you attacking me... in my house? " I asked them.

Merida and Flynn exchanged glances, " Well, we came here to find you, but the door was unlocked so we just came in, " Merida explained.

" Yeah and then I came down there to see if you had better drinks than upstairs... Dude, you need to fill up your fridge, " Flynn finished.

" Okay, wait a second, the door was unlocked? " I asked and then I realized Elsa was here, I turned around and she was standing at the light switch, " Elsa, did you leave my door open? "

" Ummmm, maybe, I don't know, I can't remember, " she said, scratching her head trying to and remember.

I sighed, " You probably did, but that's okay, we're lucky it was only Flynn and Merida, " I looked at them, and they seemed really confused, " Oh, Merida and Flynn this is Elsa, Elsa this is Merida and Flynn, she's my new client. "

They waved at each other for a quick second and then I said, " Now can you guys go back upstairs? We were discussing stuff. "

" Yeah, sure, " Flynn said, as he and Merida walked up the stairs and shut they door behind them.

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