Chapter 15 : Unwelcome Visiters

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Jack shut the door behind me and I was left alone in the darkness.

I have to be honest I was a little scared, since last time I was attacked, but I didn't want to seem weak by making Jack walk me out.

I waited a little bit for my eyes to adjust to the dark and then started to make my way out. I kept close to the wall to avoid being seen easily.

I had only walked a couple steps when I heard a voice, instinctively I hid behind a dumpster, listening to the sound.

" Come on we are gonna be late! "

" Who cares! " said another voice that was very similar to the first just lower.

" The boss! That's who! "

Oh no, could that be more of Han's men? The voices were getting closer and closer, I couldn't take any chances and plus I had an advantage. I waited until they were in sight and attacked. I jumped from my hiding place, jumping onto one of them's back.

For being a trained combat man they sure had terrible balance, they fell over with barely any pressure and smacked into the brick wall on the other side of the alley.

" What the-! " they started , but were silenced as one of the bricks from the smashed wall fell on their head, knocking them out.

I whipped around for the other attacker, but no one was there, instead a dog stood wagging his tail at me.

" Where did you come from? " I asked the dog, obviously not expecting a reply.

He wagged his tail more and walked over and whimpered by the man unconscious on the ground. He didn't seem like one of Han's man now that I look at him, he looks like an ordinary person... who was apparently talking to himself.

I felt a little regret for attacking him, I guess I'm a little too paranoid.

I started to walk away, but his dog whimpered at me, I turned around to look at him. His head was slanted to the side and he was looking at me with big brown eyes.

" Fine, " I said to the dog, and sat down across the alley from the man on the ground, the dog came and placed his head on my lap, so I gently started stroking his fur.

After a couple minutes the man started to gain conscious again, he groaned and sat up, " What happened? " he asked the dog who was standing in front of him wagging his tail and letting his tongue hang out of his mouth.

He stood on his feet and rubbed the back on his head.

" Sorry, " I apologized, he turned around, he obviously didn't notice me before.

" Was that you?!? " he asked, more like demanded.

" Ummm, yeah, " I replied.

He looked so confused, " Why? "

" Why what? " I asked.

He scowled at me, " Why did you attack me? " he told me, like I was dumb for not knowing.

" I thought you were someone else, " I said, starting to back away.

He must've noticed, because he took a step forward, " Well, if your sorry, then I except you pay me back. "

I scoffed at him, " Pay you back? What for? " I questioned, narrowing my eyes at him.

He opened his jacket pocket and pulled out a burlap sack, " For these, " he answered, handing me the bag.

I cautiously opened the bag and saw some sort of orange mush, " Ewww, what is that? "

He sarcastically smiled at me, " It used to be carrots, but now it's carrot mush. "

"Fine, I'll buy you some new carrots, but then we're even, " I told him over my shoulder while walking in the direction of the city.


I took in a deep sigh of relief, man that was close.

I looked at Merida and Flynn who were both looking at me with wide eyes.

" Do you think she knows? " I asked them.

Merida shrugged, " I'm not sure, it's hard to tell, " she replied.

I looked at Flynn, raising an eyebrow at him.

" Hey, don't look at me, I still don't even get what's going on! " he said, looking very confused.

Merida rolled her eyes, " I explained it to ya like 15 times! "

" Yeah, but I don't get why she can't know, " Flynn said.

" Its better, for her own safety, if we keep her in the dark as much as possible, " I tried to explain, but I don't think I did a very good job of it.


The door pounded again and we looked at each other.

" Helllllooooo? Is anybody home? " a voice on the other side of the door asked.

I stood up and took a step, but Astrid grabbed my hand and shook her head at me, signalling not to open the door.

I questioned her with my stare, and tried to ask Why not? with my gestures.

She slid her finger across her throat and stood up next to me, gesturing Hiccup and Rapunzel to do the same. Slowly they did, and tip toed with us to the kitchen in the other room, being careful to not let the floor squeak.

The pounding continued as Astrid whispered among us, " It could be one of Han's man, " she suggested, but in a way that wasn't really a suggestion.

" Or it could be one of the neighbours, " I tried, but everyone looked at me sceptically, " Okay, okay, its probably one of Han's man, but what's wrong with that? " I asked.

They all stared at me like I was crazy, " What? He was really nice when I met him, " I defended myself.

" Sure, but after Elsa talked to him, she looked like she saw a ghost, " Astrid said.

" And was really worried about you, " Hiccup added.

Rapunzel raised her hand, like she needed permission to speak, we all looked at her, " So, what are we gonna do? Do you think they'll leave? " she asked while lowering her hand.

Astrid shook her head, " From what I've heard, they won't be leaving anytime soon. "

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