Chapter 8 : First Aid

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" Oh my gosh! What happened? " I asked Anna, she looked up at me with tears brimming in her eyes.

" I- I was walking over here when two men in big black coats pulled me into a dead end, they said I had three weeks to repay them, " She tried to put on a brave face as she finished. " They pinned me down and did this, " she said as she released her hand from her chest.

My heart clenched, this is all my fault. I forced myself to look at her arm, she was being strong for me so I can be strong for her.

I glanced at her arm, from her wrist to her elbow was a huge cut, blood had been dripping from it, but was now black and crusted. It was about an inch wide and looked infected by the way it was poorly cared for.

" They said this would help me remember, " Anna said.

" How long ago did this happen? " I asked her, glancing at Rapunzel who had a sorrowful look on her face.

" About two hours ago, give or take, " Punzie stated, looking at the roof while thinking.

I stood up, " That's two hours too long, come on we need to get you help, " I said as I held out my hand to help Anna up, " Punzie do you have any sterile fabric? "

" Umm... I have some towels that came out of the laundry, will that do? " she replied with the question.

" Good enough, go get them, " I told her and she ran out of the room, " And wet one side with rubbing alcohol. "

She came back with the towel, I put the wet half directly on Anna's cut, flinching when she sucked in her breath and winced in pain. I wrapped the dry half around her arm.

" Okay, we have to go, I know some friends that can help, " I said walking with Anna to the door. When Punzie didn't follow I turned around and asked, " Are you coming? "

Her face fell and she looked down, " You know I can't, my mom will never let me leave... but that doesn't mean I don't want to go! "

" I know, it's okay, we'll talk to you later, bye. "

" I hope everything goes well! See ya, " she replied as I shut the door behind us.

" Try to hide your arm from Mother Gothel, if she sees it she'll just have another reason to not let Rapunzel leave, " Anna nodded as I finished talking.

We were able to make it out of the house without Gothel seeing Anna's arm. I led Anna back home to our apartment, when we got there I called Astrid and Hiccup to come over and help, they are both pretty good with first aid.

About 15 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door and Astrid and Hiccup stepped in.

" Hey Elsa, what happened to Anna? " Astrid said, cutting right to the point.

" Hans cut her arm to 'help' remind her to pay off the debt, " I responded.

" Let me take care of it, my dad's friend, who I spent most of my time with as a kid, lost his arm and leg in a war, so he taught me a lot about first aid, " Hiccup stated as he pulled Anna to the kitchen, where there was better light.

Hiccup got straight to work, after we calmed down Anna. We gave her some sleeping pills so she wouldn't have to be awake for the stitches.

Once Anna fell asleep Astrid dragged me into the living room and made me sit down.

" You are going to explain what happened last night, " Astrid demanded.

" But- " I tried to start.

" No, tell me now, " she said as she cut me off... I never realized how convincing she was.

" Okay... "


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