Chapter 16 : Frying Pans and Carrots

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" We have to do something! We can't just sit around here and wait until they barge down the door! " Anna exclaimed, while whispering at the same time.

They all looked at me," Okay, here's the plan, Anna go pack anything you can't live without and Rapunzel go with her. Meanwhile, Hiccup and I will distract them, after climb out the fire escape and meet us in the alleyway, " I explained and they all nodded at me.

" Okay, let's go, " I said to Hiccup, as the girls ran into another room.

Before we left, we grabbed anything that could help, Rapunzel had given us some good ideas about frying pans, so we grabbed some of those. Hiccup found some chocolate balls that looked like they were from Christmas.... ewww. I grabbed some baking spray and we went out the fire escape.

But instead of going down we went up, we went two floors higher and smashed a window where it looked like no one was home. We went to the front door and into the hallway, looking down the stairs we could see Hans' men about to smash down the door.

" Here goes nothing, " I said to Hiccup, " Remember if they start to attack us run back into the apartment. "

He nodded and took out the chocolate balls, they were rock solid, so they should do the trick.

He handed one to me and we threw them as hard as we could at Hans' men. We ducked so they wouldn't see us and heard, " Oww! "

" What was that?!? " Shouted another.

We looked over the banister and threw again.

" Where are these coming from?!? " They yelled, obviously getting ticked off.

We waited a second and fired again.

We hit them, but this time one of them saw me, " Hiccup, I think he saw me. "

" I saw them! They're upstairs! " they shouted as they started to climb the stairs.

I started to head to the apartment, but Hiccup didn't follow, " Come on! " I told him, but he didn't move, " Hiccup! "

" We haven't boughten them even time! " he said.

I sighed, " Come on! These are trained killers, we don't know how to face them! " I tried to convince him.

" There's a first time for everything, " he told me.

I rolled my eyes, " Yeah, but this isn't the time, I have a plan, but you need to get into the apartment! "

They were completing the last flight of stairs, Hiccup continued to throw the chocolate balls at them, while getting up and following me into the apartment.

I shut and locked the door just as they were about to run in. There was only three of them, so I think we can take them, if we have the surprise advantage.

Hiccup and I stood at either sides of the door, ready with our frying pans.

On the other side of the door we could hear them counting, " 3.... 2.... 1! " They shouted as they kicked down the door.

The first one ran in and was greeted by our frying pans... in the face. He hit the ground like a rock. The last two didn't come in, instead lightning fast one reached in and enclosed his hands around my throat. He lifted me off the ground and into the air, while the other engaged in a battle with Hiccup.

I struggled for breath, while Hiccup was slowly getting overpowered.

I suddenly remembered something and reached into my sweater pocket and grabbed out the baking spray. I sprayed it into his eyes and he fell to the ground, dropping me.

I saw Hiccup being pinned to the wall, and quickly grabbed my frying pan and smacked his attacker over the head. I turned around to man holding his eyes and gave him a whack too.

Hiccup and I looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief, " That was close, " Hiccup said.

" Yeah, " I agreed with him, " We should probably go before they wake up. "

We climbed out of the escape and back to Elsa's apartment, Anna and Rapunzel were gone, so we went to the alley.

As we approached the alley Anna and Rapunzel ran out, " Thank godness you're okay! " Anna exclaimed, " We thought you were dead! "

" We're fine, " I said, " Just a little scraped up, " I placed my hand on my throat, I winced in pain, it was really sore.

" Are you okay? " Rapunzel asked, walking up to me.

" Yeah, I'm okay, we should go before they wake up, " I said.

Anna looked at me, " What exactly did you do? "

" Let's just say Punzie's frying pans came in handy, " I said, chuckling.

Rapunzel's face lit up, " I knew it! "

We started to walk away, " Where are we going? " Anna asked.

" My house, you and Elsa need a place to stay and I have extra rooms, " I said, " Plus, Hans can't find you there. "


" How about these ones? " I asked him.

He looked at me, totally unimpressed, " Nah, those are bad quality, you can tell by just looking at them. "

I sighed as I put down the carrots, " You are really picky about your carrots aren't you? "

" Well, I like fresh carrots not rotten ones, " he said while walking up to another stand, " I'm Kristoff, by the way. "

" Elsa, " I replied, " We have almost been to every stand in this Farmer's Market, can't you just pick some? "

" That's an interesting name, " he said, completely ignoring my question, " Oh, and that's Sven, " he said pointing to his dog, who had been following us the whole time.

I smiled down at the dog who wagged his tail.

"Perfect! " Kristoff suddenly exclaimed, " These are perfect. "

I looked at the carrots he was holding up, they looked like every other carrot in this place, but I decided not to tell him that.

"Okay, finally, " I payed the man behind the stand and he handed the bag to Kristoff.

" Well, it was nice meeting you, " Kristoff said.

" Yeah, you too, " I replied, he was just about to walk away, when Anna, Astrid, Rapunzel, and Hiccup ran up to us, looking like they had been through a battle zone. Their clothes were torn up, but they didn't seem to mind.

" Elsa! Thank godness we found you! "

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