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It was a black puppy.. not sure if it was anyone's.. so I kept it until further notice like maybe some signs of a missing puppy or a knock on my door and them saying have you seen a baby black dog

But it never happened.

I didn't see any posts about it so I kept it yep. if I didn't hear anything about this dog I'm keeping it

Even tho I didn't want to since I already had Casper I took it to the vet it didn't have any chips in it and it seems like the dog never got any care

Like it was ignored?

I don't know but it should be fine

It grew into a cute puppy I didn't know what it could be but it was brown but black? I couldn't tell.. at all. Casper didn't like it so I was considering putting it back outside but that would be cruel .. so I didn't

I kept it in a cage most of the time ... Caspers cage I fed it milk when it was young .. really young

It grew into a puppy after a month of hearing nothing so I honestly think it was a rejected puppy.. that no one wanted

My mom came over and saw it she said it was a Rottweiler which I could see and guess it would be that. I would honestly love a Rottweiler

I kept it ... turns out I found out it was a male

Wow yay, a new dog I guess...

While I went to work every day getting more money to get food because I was becoming poorer and poorer and less food every day, I used to starve myself .. so now I just force myself to eat

Because I think food is so disgusting... very I can barely eat it but there are certain foods I can only eat without being disgusted.. which is yogurt.. nothing sweet or too big like burgers and stuff

Which I hate...

So I mostly buy yogurt and bread and other stuff to cook... I'm bad at it but I try.

It's just for practice yeah.


Aurelia: 9


"Here Aurelia eat up" her mom hands her food "No I'm not hungry" she refuses to eat "Cmon I didn't get you this for nothing" she looks at Aurelia

"Oh, you know what little kid?" She looks at her in anger.. she grabs the food and tries to shove it down her throat

Aurelia is choking, she smacks her mom for her to stop and chokes up the food that she tried to shove down

Her mom is so angry she takes her to the bathroom in the restaurant. "I hate you child I wish I aborted you" she yells at Aurelia.. someone walks in they heard her

"Did I hear that right? You wish you aborted who?" A random woman says "No no it was a joke!" Aurelia's mom says "It wasn't! She kept hitting me! Please help" Aurelia says ... "What?" The woman says .. she goes into the bathroom and sees them.

Security heard too they came in and grabbed Aurelias' mother

"Hey, you little girl.. is what you said true?" This guy says to Aurelia "Yes it is" Aurelia says

Finally, she hates her mother

She got taken until things happened and she was sadly back with her mother

Her mother punished her until she was fully bruised and had cuts and was bleeding everywhere ...

She didn't eat at all until she had to go to the hospital.. she kept starving herself until she had to be taken care of and made sure she ate

She was now used to not eating


Sigh... this is so hard

I finally get home after a lot of shopping and I'm exhausted.. the puppy is crying and god I have to put all of this stuff away.

I first comforted the puppy and Casper was next to me, after I put everything away and sat down in a kitchen chair

God I'm so bored

Nothing really interesting ever happened.

Until my mom came into my house again! What is this girl's deal?

"Honey oh hey" she comes in like she owns the place I'm in my kitchen .. and I'm so tired of her I grab a knife "What are you doing?" She asks seeing the knife in my hand "Get... out" I say holding the knife tightly "What is wrong?" My mom gets closer and closer to me

"Get out mom. I don't want you always at my house" I step closer to her holding the knife in a stabbing position "Alright honey... I'll leave" She opens the door and walks out ... too bad I wanted to kill that stupid bitch

She comes back oh god "I know I know but I brought someone... I want you to meet them.." she comes in with this random guy?

I have to get rid of him he can't replace my dad.. he can't

835 words

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