6.The New Roommate

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[AN]: Ok there will be some changes in my writing. I'm still trying to find my style of writing so bear with me. Also important change Izuku will be older then class 1-A by two years.

[3POV if not said other wise]

After Neito left, Izuku felt empty and became depressed. He was missing his blond copycat. If losing his lover was not enough he also lost all of his friends. Everyone of his friend group either was adopted or old enough to leave the orphanage. His days became monotone and bland. Even his discovery that some of his form's abilities work in his normal form didn't manage to cheer him up. He felt empty and alone, he had no one left.

Today was Friday and nothing special happened all day. Izuku was sitting in a common room doing a tattoo for some kid to earn himself some money, when principle of the orphanage came through the door with a kid two years younger then Izuku carrying his bags. Kid had lilac hair and eyes and pale white skin and his name was Hitoshi. He was wearing dirty damaged clothes that were definitely too small for him. His face was monotone but you could see fear in his eyes. The teen scanned the room and locked his eyes with Izuku. *God he's soo beautiful.* Thought Hitoshi. Izuku keept an eye contact mesmerized by those wonderful purple eyes.

Principle:"Okey kids this is your new dormate Hitoshi. Izuku, you will be sharing a room."

Said the woman and pointed a finger at the greenete both teenagers were exited to share a room together. *Oh my god I can't believe I'm going to share a room with this guy!!!! What if he thinks I'm weird?! What if he'll hate me for my quirk?!* Panicked Hitoshi. *Maybe he'll be a good roommate? he look really pretty. He reminds me of Nei... Fuck I miss him so much.* With that the old woman turned around and exited the common room.

Izuku stood up and went to purple haired kid. He stood in front of him and looked him up and down.

Izuku:"Hi my name is Izuku but you can call me Izu!"

Said Izuku with warm smile and reaching his hand for him to shake.

Hitoshi:"H-h-hi *Fuck why did I stuttered?* My name is Hitoshi but call me Hito I guess."

Izuku:"Great! Come on follow me, I'll show you our room."

Hitoshi:"Lead the way."

Izuku lead Hitoshi down a hallway to their room and opened the door.

Izuku:"Ok so the right half is mine, the left is yours you can have the stuff on the left side. It belonged to my old roommate you should be rough the sane size so you can use his clothes."

Hitoshi:" How did you know I would need clothes?"

Izuku:" You only have one small bag."

Hitoshi:" Oh right.."

Replied Hitoshi scratching his neck in embarrassment. Both of the boys entered the room and Izuku started changing, but Hitoshi stood in the middle of the room and stared at Izuku.

Izuku:"Like what you see?"

Asked snuggly greenate with a grin. Puprlehead become red , closed his eyes and started to stuttered

Hitoshi:" N-n-no.. I mean yes!... I mean no!... Fuck!"

Hitoshi opened his eyes expecting judging eyes of his roommate but was meet instead with Izuku dying out of laughter. After calmed down he smiled and looked at the other boy.

Izuku:"I think we'll get along just fine."


[AN]: Ok so it's another chapter finally!! I'm sorry house it took me so fucking long but I was really busy with changing school and the end of a term. My mind space was not right either. But now I'm better and I have Christmas break so I have the time to write again. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and there should be a new one soon. If you have any suggestions or questions you can write here or dm me. Love Jesus in a jar

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