16. Explosive Reunion

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Cig was walking out of the elevator on the first floor when he heard big commotion coming from then main hall. He walked over there fast.

" Let go! Let me fucking talk to him you filthy bastards! Fucker's gone for years and now he's back and no ward! I said let me fucking go!"

What Cig saw was security trying to kick out some guy. He had red eyes, spikey short blond hair and  feral in his movements with small sparks coming out of his palms. Cig really didn't have time for this shit. But none the less with a sigh and shake of his head he approached the receptionist.

"Good morning Sara what's the issue here?" The receptionist whipped her head to look at him so fast you could hear her joints pop. "Sir! This man here is demanding to see Myth sir!" "Uhm but what's his deal with him? I'm sure someone else can deal with it?" "Well, he's stating to had known him personally before he became a hero and wanted to talk. But it can't be right. Right sir? He's too young!"

* Fucking Myth and his damn friends... Typical...* Thought the smoker. With the sight he approached the man who was still fighting to remain in the building. "Boys let him go I'll deal with it." Security guys nodded and went back to their spots. "Like hell I'm gonna talk with you, you suit bastard! I wanna talk with Myth! Fucker has some FUCKING EXPLAINING TO DO!" Cig let out a long agonising sigh "I'll call him." "YOU FUCKING BETTER!"

Myth was getting through some paperwork when his work phone got off and he pick it up without checking for an id. "Legendary Hero Myth speaking what seem to be the issue. "Green, there's some kid here screaming he knew you before hero stuff and is demanding to speak to you." *I knew someone would recognize me... Hopefully it's someone I liked...* Releasing a sigh Izuku spoke. "What they look like?" "Blond, red eyes, sparks coming from his hands." "FUCK... Let him up. I know him."

Cig hung up and spoke to the blond. "You're in luck, he agreed to listen to you. Go to the elevator and press  two houndred and six floor button. The elevator'll get you up." Without spareing him a glance the blond kid went for the elevator mumbling something along side about fucking time.

After the long ride in the elevator the young adult stormed into Myth's office.

Izuku lifted his head form his paperwork and smiled from behind his mask. "Up and coming hero student Bakugo Katsuki, known as Ground Zero. For what I own the pleasure?"

Katsuki didn't slow down and slammed both his palms on Izuku's desk setting up a small explosion.

"Cut the shit Izuku! I know it's you fucker!"

Said man only laughed and stood up. "I see you haven't change a bit did you Katsuki?"

"Why haven't you reached out!"

Izuku haven't answered but simply walked over to a staircase.

"Where the fuck you're going huh?! It isn't over you matherfucker!"

"Oh I know Katsuki. But I think my apartment is a better place for our reunion don't you think? Fallow me."

Izuku started to climb the stairs with a pissed off Bakugo behind him. When they got to the door Izuku turned to his first ever friend.

"I'm sorry for the mess but I didn't have anyone over recently."

He opened the door to reveal his hudge apartment. They got to the living room that was nicely furnished in modern style inspired by ancient Egypt. It's was spotless... Well only if you ignore the coffee table and the couch covered in books, new and old. Many of them were in different languages but all of them were about Mythology and Religion. Izuku lead Katsuki to one of the armchairs and sat on the one opposite of his.

The Legendary Hero: Myth (Quirk Deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now