7.The Offer

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Quick A/N I want to know your opinion. I want to use some of less known gods and like in my story and give them my spin. But when I comes to the gods from Africans regions and alike, I don't know what to do. I don't know if making Izuku black when transforming into them is appropriate seeing as they will still have some of his features. And making African gods and alike white seems wrong to me. So what should I do? Pleas answer.


Couple of months had passed since Hitoshi arrived at the orphanage. He and Izuku became really close friends, they only had each other to relay on. Izuku learned about Hitoshi's abusive past and Hitoshi learned about Izuku's past, at least some parts of it.
Izuku was going to be fifteen in a month. That meant it was time for him to choose highschool. Well it would be if he grow up in a normal orphanage. Instead he had to choose some of the classes that orphanage offered. Only problem was that Izuku wanted to be a hero and there wasn't a class like that available. None of subjects he could pick interested him either. He knew that he didn't even need to go to highschool, some of his forms give him superintelligence and photographic memory that he possessed in his original form. Which made him remember stuff after only hearing or seeing it once. Some other forms also give him muscle memory, he would know a fighting style after seeing it only once. He was sure that if he could he would pass UA entrance exam with ease. But he couldn't and it made him sad but mostly mad. Mad at this stupid orphanage and at this stupid system.

He was hanging out with Hitoshi in the orphanage's garden when one of caretakers approached him. She had white hair and grey eyes and was new in the orphanage. But just like all the other caretakers she was afraid of him. She knew what he's capable of and address him like all the others at the orphanage did.

"Creature you have a visitor." Said the woman with a sceard expression. She was afraid that Izuku would lash out at her for interrupting him. But opposite to the popular believe Izuku wasn't like that. He only hurt those that hurt others and this caretaker was one of the kind ones.

"Who is it Ms.Snow and what they want?"

Just like kids here most of caretakers used other names. It gave more privacy and a sense of security.

"I don't really know, they didn't say why they're here only that they want to see you and showed their GHA badge."

"Great just what I wanted, Global Hero Association. I wander what they want? Maybe they want to recruit me? It wouldn't be that bad, I could become a hero. And from what I know they not really bad. Not like Japanese Hero Commission. Let's see what they want."

"Ok, let's go! I'll find you later brain worm."

Izuku said goodbye to Hitoshi and fallowed surprised caretaker. They entered the main building and want to visitation rooms. Greenete entered the room alone. On one side of the tabel sat two people. One a women in her mid thirties with lemon skin ,bull horns , strawberry hair nad azure eyes. She was wearing a business suit and had her hair tied up in a bun. The other person was a man in his forties. He had dark skin and bold head. His eyes were pink and he had big light pink feathered wings. He was also wearing business suit but much more expensive. Izuku came over to the table an reached his hand for them to shake.

"Im Izuku Midoriya, you wanted to see me."

The winged man stud up and reached his hand for Izuku to shake.

"I'm Amandi Musa and this is Uzma Farooqi, we're agents of Global Hero Association - GHA."

After her introduction Uzma stood up and reached her hand as well. Izuku shook their hands and sit down.

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