Chapter 7

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Dandelionpaw was relaxing by the entrance to the medicine den when Scarletpetal came hurtling toward him with Mousesqueak by her side, although she seemed to be being dragged along rather then running at her own volition.

"Mousesqueak is sick!" were the first words out of Scarletpetal's mouth.

"Is it greencough?" He sprang to his paws and looked over at Mousesqueak, worried.

"You tell me!"

Dandelionpaw shook himself and examined Mousesqueak closer. "What are your symptoms?"

"My throat feels like it's burning, and I'm so hot I want to go drench myself in the river," Mousesqueak said, seeming slightly delirious.

Dandelionpaw frowned. He turned and called into the den. "Starfur!" His mentor came out and he relayed the information.

"It doesn't sound like greencough, but we'll give her some catmint and honey," she concluded, going back into the den to fetch the herbs.

Scarletpetal continued to fret over her mate while Mousesqueak sat quietly, glancing around occasionally. Eventually, Starfur came back out and gave Mousesqueak some catmint with a glob of honey spread on it. The small she-cat swallowed it and after a moment she said, "my throat feels a little better, but I'm still really hot."

"That is so strange. . ." Starfur muttered. A little louder, she added, "I'm going to keep you here for the time being."

"I hope its not serious," Scarletpetal said anxiously.

"I really don't know yet, I'm sorry," Starfur apologized, her eyes reflecting Dandelionpaw's own puzzlement.

And then it hit him.

"Starfur!" he said. "It's the leaves! Someone must have accidentally brought in bad prey."

His mentor's eyes lit up with understanding. "Of course," she said. "It was bound to happen. We'll have to figure out how to treat it—fast."

Dandelionpaw shivered at what might happen to Mousesqueak if they didn't find the cure.

"We should get someone to search through the prey pile just in case," Starfur said. She nodded at Scarletpetal, and the ginger warrior bounded off, seeming thankful for a job.

"Let's got tell Stonestar as well." Dandelionpaw nodded and followed his mentor toward the leader's den, keeping up with her fast pace.

They found him inside and told him of Mousesqueak's illness. His face darkened at the news. "And your certain it isn't greencough?" Starfur shook her head.

"I gave her catmint and honey, but if that doesn't work, we'll have to try some other things," she said gravely.

Stonestar just nodded thoughtfully and dismissed them.

For the rest of the day, Dandelionpaw helped Starfur compile some herbs that might help with Mousesqueak's symptoms. "Borage will bring a fever down, and it certainly sounds like she's burning up. . . we could also give her chamomile to keep her strength up. . . ."

"Chickweed might also help," Dandelionpaw murmured, reaching for some.

Starfur nodded. That went on for awhile before they finally called it a night and went to bed.

Dandelionpaw fell asleep within moments, exhausted from analyzing their whole store, and he found himself in StarClan.

"Don't forget the prophecy, Dandelionpaw," Meadowstar's voice echoed around him.

"This leafbare will bring shadowy cases, coming with it, help from unexpected places." Dandelionpaw remembered. "But where is this help?" he asked. "We don't know the cure, Meadowstar!"

But the starry warrior didn't reply, and Dandelionpaw was thrust back into wakefulness.

"We have another case, Dandelionpaw," Starfur said as she walked back into the den. He could see the cloudless sky behind her, sun reaching over the camp. He must have slept in.

Jumping from his nest, he hurried to meet her. "Who?"

"Oakwhisker," she replied, reaching for some herbs.

"But I thought Scarletpetal checked the fresh-kill pile for infected prey?" he asked with confusion.

"And she didn't see any. I don't think it has a smell once ingested by the animal," Starfur hypothesized.

"Then how will we know which prey not to catch?" Dandelionpaw's alarm was building.

"We wont."

Dandelionpaw blinked. "What do we do then?" They couldn't just sit by and let their Clanmates die without trying to help them.

"We focus on finding a cure," Starfur said quietly, grabbing her herb bundle and heading back outside. Dandelionpaw followed and saw Oatwhisker waiting outside, panting heavily. When offered, he eagerly lapped up the herbs.

"Thank you, Starfur," he croaked.

"Of course," she said. "Dandelionpaw, take these to Mousesqueak."

Dandelionpaw nodded dutifully and headed toward the little nest area they'd made just outside the medicine den. Mousesqueak had been way too hot to stay inside, so they had set up some bedding on a more sheltered side of the den where she could stay relatively cool.

"Mousesqueak, I have your herbs," he said, nudging her a little.

The small she-cat raised her head wearily, and Dandelionpaw almost cringed away from her breath. It was definitely those scattered leaves. . . Dandelionpaw thought. But how did they get there in the first place?

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