Chapter 9

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Dandelionpaw was the first to see the BrookClan cats arrive with Glarespot. He immediately knew something was up. He rushed to get Stonestar, who greeted them warily.

The cat at the head of the group, Lionstripe, spoke to him. "One of your warriors—Sparrowfeather—was injured while fighting rogue cats." The BrookClan deputy reported. "He is in a very bad state so we have to keep him with our medicine cats for a few days before we move him."

"Burrowpelt has stayed behind with him," Glarespot added, coming to stand next to him.

"I see," Stonestar said. "And what of these rogue cats?"

"They jumped on us when our backs were turned, five of them and very large," Glarespot recalled. "We were no match until a BrookClan patrol showed up." He gave a grateful nod toward Lionstripe.

"We must be more careful then," Stonestar said. "These cats sound like a real threat. I will have to send a patrol to warn Barkstar as well. You can go home now," he told Lionstripe. "Your hospitality toward Sparrowfeather and Burrowpelt is greatly appreciated."

"Of course, Stonestar," Lionstripe said with a small bow of his head. "Come on Spiderclaw, Rockfur." The two warriors followed him out of camp.

A few moments of silence went on before Starfur called to him. "Dandelionpaw! These sick cats wont treat themselves!"

Dandelionpaw sighed heavily and walked back towards the medicine den. Burrowpelt was in BrookClan with Sparrowfeather, dangerous rogues were on the loose and and the worst sickness he'd ever witnessed was ravaging the camp. Where was StarClan in any of this?


"Can I go see him?" Griffinwing asked hesitantly after Dandelionpaw had told her about her brother.

Dandelionpaw shrugged. "You'll have to ask Stonestar. I'm sure he'll be fine," he added, worried more about the concern on Griffinwing's face at the moment. He didn't think he'd ever seen her like this before.

Griffinwing scoffed. "Oh, with Burrowpelt watching him I'm sure," she said darkly.

"Oh. . . kay." Dandelionpaw began backing away. "I probably need to get back to Starfur. You know, medicine cat things."

The brown she-cat just nodded and turned away.

He had almost reached the medicine den when Darkmoon called to him. A jolt of panic ran through him at the sight off the dark warrior, but he quickly calmed his nerves and turned to face him. "Yes?"

"I'm leading a patrol to go and warn FernClan about these rogue cats," Darkmoon said. "You're coming with me."

"Why. . . ?" Dandelionpaw didn't like questioning the deputy, but he wasn't sure why Darkmoon thought bringing him was a good idea. He was just a medicine cat apprentice after all.

"Because they know you," Darkmoon said sharply. "We're taking Scarletpetal and Cloudtsorm too, lets go."

Without waiting for a reply, he led the patrol out of camp and in the direction of the FernClan border. Dandelionpaw had a hard time keeping up with the fast pace, but thankfully Darkmoon seemed to notice and slowed down a bit for him. That's what you get for bringing me, Dandelionpaw thought.

It was night by the time they reached the FernClan border, and it would be well past moonhigh when they got back to camp, and Dandelionpaw was beginning to wonder why they couldn't have just waited for morning. Darkmoon just needs to do everything right now I suppose, he thought ruefully.

There were no patrols out at this time so they reached camp without confrontation. When they got to the entrance, the guard was a little surprised, but complied when Darkmoon asked him to get Barkstar. He reemerged from the den a few moments later with the weary FernClan leader

"Darkmoon? Did you really have to wait until the dead of night to talk?" he asked, attempting humor.

Darkmoon didn't beat around the bush. "Sorry to wake you you Barkstar, but we've come to warn you about a group of rogues that attacked a patrol of ours. One of our warriors almost died. We think they are a very dangerous threat and thought you should know about them immediately."

Barkstar seemed more awake now. "That does sound serious. None of my cats have seen anything suspicious like that recently, but we will definitely be more careful now. Thank you for the warning, Darkmoon."

"Of course," Darkmoon said. "Again, very sorry to bother you at this time. Now, we really must be going, goodnight." He dipped his head and made for the exit.

"Safe travels, goodnight," Barkstar called, before retreating into his den.

Dandelionpaw was about to follow the patrol, when a quiet voice from the shadows whispered his name. "Dandelionpaw? Its me, Dahliapaw."

He hesitated. "Dahliapaw, what are you doing up this late?"

"I'm a light sleeper," she replied. "But I have a question. Do you want to meet by the border tomorrow?" She looked up at the sky. "A little bit earlier than it is now?"

Shocked, Dandelionpaw replied in a whisper. "Isn't that illegal?"

Dahliapaw blinked innocently. "Why would it be?"

"Um, maybe because we're from different Clans?" Seeing the forlorn expression on her face he added. "I'm sorry, but I'll see you at the Gathering?"


She was interrupted by a shout from Darkmoon. "Dandelionpaw? What are you doing?"

"Sorry, I have to get back to my Clanmates," he said, and bounded away. He really was sorry, and he hoped he hadn't just ruined his only friendship.

Lost Hope: Book 3: Flame and SnowWhere stories live. Discover now