Chapter 23

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Lilacpaw followed her mentor through the snow covered forest toward the Gathering Hollow. Stonestar was also with them. They were on their way to meet with the other Clans' leader's and their chosen cats, and Lilacpaw was terrified. They would be heading into unknown territory, actively looking for the rogues that had been causing EchoClan so much trouble.

She found herself glancing around, somewhat frantically, hoping they weren't about to be jumped on by one of them. She wasn't sure how safe she felt with only two warriors. She would have rather been in camp. With Foxpaw. Even if he wouldn't shut up about how exciting this whole thing was. At least she wouldn't be here, where she was almost certain she wouldn't make it back to camp alive.

Stop thinking like that! This will all be fine. . . .

"Just remember," Griffinwing said, sensing her unease. "We wont be interacting with them, we just need to know where the camp is and how many of them we are up against, ok?"

"Ok," Lilacpaw said, calming her racing heart. They were going to be fine.

When they got to the Gathering Hollow, it was just after dawn and the BrookClan and FernClan patrols were already there with their leader's.

Willowstar sat with a reddish she-cat and a splotchy gray tom whom she introduced as Redthistle and Ripplestone respectively.

And with Barkstar, were a brown tabby, Mothstripe, and dark gray tom, Beetleflight.

"This is Griffinwing and Lilacpaw," Stonestar said with a wave of his tail.

Willowstar went through a rundown of the dangers they might encounter and things they should note when they found the rogues' camp.

"And of course," she said. "Don't go diving into unnecessary danger, we'll want you all back in one piece. Now, good luck."

"May StarClan light your path," Stonestar said. The other leaders echoed him.

And they were off.


Firstly, they went back to EchoClan territory to check if the scents of the cats there were still fresh.

Ripplestone claimed to be the best tracker in BrookClan, but even he couldn't distinguish anything among the fresh snow.

They all split up and sniffed around the area where Burrowpelt had said she'd seen them last, near the FernClan border. Lilacpaw had been directed to check near a bare tree. So here she was, pressing her nose to the cold ground until she thought it would fall off. She raised her muzzle again and was about to walk back to the middle of the area they were checking to wait for the others when she caught a whiff of something unfamiliar.

Turning her head around, she sniffed again. There it was. Cat, she realized. That must be the rogues. But where was it coming from?

Suddenly, a shape darted out of the undergrowth, a ways away from her, and bounded farther away and into the trees again.

Gasping with fear, she rushed over to her mentor who was checking bushes not far from her.

"Griffinwing, I saw something, and smelled something over there," her words came tumbling out in a hurry. "You have to come see!"

Griffinwing nodded, her eyes glinting. "Let me get the others."

She rounded up the rest of the patrol and motioned for Lilacpaw to lead. A little intimidated, she did as instructed. "I saw one of them come out of that bush there," she explained, indicating to one of the bare and spindly plants. "And run away."

Ripplestone sniffed the air. "I smell them, let's go." He headed in the direction Lilacpaw indicated and the rest of the cats followed.

The smell was growing stronger, fresher, and Lilacpaw tingled all over, wondering what would happen when they finally caught up to the cat. Probably kill them, she realized with a chill.

And then they were out of of EchoClan territory, out in the open, snow thick. The paw prints the cat had left were still fresh, but they'd have to hurry before the falling snow covered them.

Lilacpaw shivered as the group hurried through the snow. Her eyes were going a little blurry, the only thing she saw were blobs of the other cats against blue and white. And she thought her legs might give way due to how numb they felt.

"I see him!" Ripplestone murmured, stopping and crouching. "He's going toward a cave over there." His tail flicked in a vague direction.

Squinting, Lilacpaw could also make out the shape of a cat ducking into the opening of a large boulder den. The exterior didn't look very big, so Lilackit guessed it went underground.

"Let's move in closer and see what we can find out," Griffinwing suggested. The other's nodded in assent and followed her toward the cave. The wind was thankfully blowing in their direction so they would go unnoticed by the rogues.

There were evergreen trees surrounding the cave, providing more shelter from the cold. The patrol cats crouched near the entrance, but they couldn't pick out any words, from the muffled voices inside.

"We'll have to try and sneak in," Mothstripe said in a hushed whisper, his brown fur fluffed against the cold.

"I'll go in," Ripplestone said. "I'll blend in with the shadows more, and Lilacpaw can come with me too."

Griffinwing's reply was immediate. "No, it's too dangerous for her, I'll go instead."

"I'll be fine, Griffinwing," Lilacpaw assured her mentor, coming to stand beside Ripplestone. "Besides, we're both gray and we'll match better with the background, no on will notice us."

Griffinwing looked about to argue, but she must've seen sense in Lilacpaw's words. With a sigh, she said, "Ok, ok, but don't go getting yourself killed."

"Alright, come on, Lilacpaw." Ripplestone led the way carefully into the den entrance. There were no guards at the tunnel's mouth, which Lilacpaw thought was odd. They must not think anyone would find them.

They went deeper, the voices growing clearer, until they reached a spot where the cave opened up to a larger area. Ripplestone ducked behind the edge of the entrance, Lilacpaw following suit.

They peered around the corner and Lilacpaw took in as much of it as possible; an oval shaved cave with sleeping cats lining one side—Lilacpaw counted around fifteen—and even more cats sleeping on the other side. But a few larger, and more scarred cats were huddled together in the middle of the den.

"They're getting suspicious, I think," said one, a battle-scarred, thick-set tom with glinting, evil amber eyes.

"Then we must attack soon," said another, this one was gray and splotchy. He also had a scarred appearance and Lilacpaw wondered if there was a cat in here that wasn't scarred.

The cats turned their attention to another cat. He was big and brown, and well-muscled. "We attack at dawn tomorrow, they wont see us coming."

Except, Lilacpaw thought. That now we will.

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