"...Strangers in a house."PT1

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The past month, BTS had been falling apart. Arguments on arguments, the thought of disbanding haunting all of them. Some tried to stay positive. Areum tried to stay positive even when she had become the emotional punching bag. She did her best to keep their family together but it always back fired.

At the moment, she was at her warehouse. She'd bought it not long ago. Each time she'd feel an overload of negative emotions, she'd go there to let everything out.

Glass chatter shined under the moonlight. The newer graffitis that covered the older ones, reeked paint. The intense smell making the artist a little dizzy

Staring at her mess, Areum picked up her stuff, getting ready to go back to the dorm. She couldn't help but be scared of what she would find.

Honestly, she had a right to.

As she opened the door, she warmly welcomed by the screams that filled the place.  It wasn't shout of joy, no. It was...

'Another argument..'

She really did not want to be there but she knew she had to somehow stop it. It sounds stupid but she didn't have a choice. Actually, she did, but who knew where this would all end.

Entering the living room, Areum noticed that  Yoongi and Taehyung were the ones arguing.  Seokjin was trying to stop them, Namjoon had  a very tired look ok his face, Jungkook standing awkwardly in the corner of the room, Jimin was just looking at everything go down as Hobi tried to calm everyone down.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Yoongi shouted, getting closer to the younger boy.

"Oh, I don't know, someone with a better temper." Taehyung sassed back.

"You little bitch, I'm still older than you." He said already clenching his fists.

" Oh really? Maybe if you acted like it, we wouldn't be in this situation, dumbass." Taehyung didn't seem to back away from him.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?"

"Well obviously, you."

That seemed to have hit Yoongi's last nerve as he went to hit Tae. Everyone in that room knew that Tae won't be afraid to hit back, buy no one stopped it.

'Please stop this.'

'I can't.' Areum fought against herself, not wanting to get involved while knowing she should.

'You can.'

"Guys, please. Just stop." They stopped and looked at her, anger all over their faces." We've done nothing but argue for the past week. Since when are we like this. Aren't you guys tire-"

" Shut up, Areum. This has nothing to do with you." Taehyung told her which angered Jimin.

"Watch your mouth."

"What. Let's be honest, she can never mind her own damn business." Tae said pointing at the firl.

"All she does is try to help when you idiots fight." Jin defended.

"Why is she in the group? She's the cause of our fights. "

Was she? Was she really?

'one breath'

"The cause of our fights is your stupidity." Jungkook mumbled but Tae heard.

'two breath'

"What did you say?" Tae threateningly approached the maknae, clearly not in the right state of mind.

'three breath'

"Don't go near him." Jimin pushed him back away from Jungkook.

'four breath.'

"The fuck-" "You guys are idiots"

'five breath'

"Oh, Namjoon want to take on his role of leader. Newsflash, you suck." Tae insulted him.

"Hey, I don't care how much your mad but you're gonna need to have some respect." Jin told him.

"Yeah when it's Namjoon. But when it was me you stood there like a bitch, hYuNg." Yoongi mocked Jin.

"I can't do this." She started ready to leave until she saw a fist being thrown. "That's it. Stop. How old are you guys, to be fighting for the most futile shit?"

"Shut the fuck up, you waste of space."  He spat forgetting who he was talking too.

Sadly, she'd gotten used to it for the past month but now she was fed up.

"Waste of space, hyung? Are we really going back to this? After all these years?" He soon realized his mistake as tears made his way to his eyes.

"I- I'm sorry."

"No, shut up. I'm fucking tired. Why is it that each time I come home, you guys are fighting,  then I get the insults and the fucking blame. I wasn't there when you guys started this shit but I try to help because I know, I know how much words hurt. But you guys don't give a single shit. You all are Idiots. All I've been doing was try to keep this group together. Since when we're we made of fights. Hmm?"

"Areum, I- we're sorry."

" Sorry for what? Sorry for insulting me non-stop? Sorry for being dumbasses? You guys were my family. You guys made me feel comfortable and loved. But now you guys are like strangers. I do not recognize any of you. Maybe we should disband. Because this, this is not what we're supposed to be. We're just a bunch of strangers in a house." She turned around, going to her room just to take a few things and go.

They all watched her figure leave and her footsteps fade.

"See what you did." Jimin told the boys that were fighting.

"Don't start blaming-" Taehyung started but was cut off by the former.

"Yet that's all you've been doing when it came to Areum. Please ask yourself a question: Is it really her fault? Let me answer that for you, No."

Jimin left the room and went for Lyhyung. Jungkook soon followed him but before getting out he said something that made them realize...

"Let's hope she stays."

...they fucked up.


This chapter sucks 😕 I'm sorry.

I don't like it. It feels fake.

I Made this from the fact that BTS were gonna disband in the start 2018 because it was getting hard. Apparently, arguments happened really often. I didn't want to put to much harmful things and just keep it on the low, y'know.

As you can see, there is an unspoken thing between Yoongi and Areum.

N E WAYS thank you.

2023 Edited A/n:

This chapter is a little better now.

Made it a little more intense, more descriptive.

Tell me what you think about this. Will try to put the second part out soon.

Thank you to khushimin for reading and commenting. You gave me some motivation which made this update possible. Thank you, hope to see you more!

Hope you guys liked it.

Thank you.


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