"I'm fine."

645 19 19

August 2014

Dark and Wild era

Areum's pov

"I'm fine." Is what I've been saying for a year. But I am okay.

I am completely okay with the hate that I've been receiving. I'm completely fine. Why wouldn't I be okay?

Why is everyone so worried about me?

I'm fine.

" How are you, Areum? " Seokjin asked me as I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

" I'm fine, thank you. And you? " I responded looking at the apple before looking at him.

" I'm doing good, thank you." He smiled at me.

" I see you've been getting some good comments. So handsome, some said. " I teased wanting him to be happy.

" Yeah. I'm excited for this album. " He grinned leaning on the counter.

" Right. You guys worked hard. I'm sure they'll love it." I smiled sincerely not noticing how I slipped up.

"Areum, we all worked hard."

"Of course." I smiled and left.

Jin's pov

I watched as she walked away.

' Why would she say that? Why does invalidate herself like that? Worst of it, she just smiles. ' I'm worried about her.

Areum's pov

" Fuck fuck fuck. Why did I say that?" I hit myself discreetly as I went away.

I didn't mean to say that. I thought of it but I didn't want to say it and I realized the moment it came out of my mouth.

I got to the bathroom, made sure to lock the door and looked at myself in the mirror. I just stared.

" Why do I hate me so much? " My lip trembled as my eyes got watery. " Why do I hate you so much?"

I stared at every part of my body. The details, the scars, The things that I couldn't escape.

" Is it because Everyone hates you and I want to fit in? Is it because everyone pointed out the things I'd hate about you? Is it because you were born? Is it because of them or you? Is it because of me? Do I just Hate you? Do I just Hate me?" I grabbed unto the counter as everything began to be blurry.

My heart was racing, it was getting hard to breathe even tho I was breathing. I couldn't keep track of my thoughts. I was hyperventilating. Tears streamed down my face as my nose became runny. My knees gave up on me as I found myself on the floor. I was shaking, I couldn't focus anymore.

" Areum? Are you okay?" I heard a voice outside the door but my brain was too fuzzy to know who it was and make out what they said." Open the door, please."

" What is going on?" Another voice asked.

" Areum, locked herself in the bathroom and I can hear some sobs."

" What? Areum, open the door. "

All I heard was" A...eu...o...en...or."

The continuous banging on the door wasn't helping as I panicked more and more.

I felt weak.

A striking headache hit me , which caused me to scream a little.

Why was this happening to me?

I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded. My breathing slowed dramatically as my eyes could barely open.

Soon enough, Silence occurred as darkness did too.

3rd pov

Areum had passed out. When the boys, Namjoon and Yoongi heard silence they panicked. They started pushing the door, hoping to at least break it to make sure that the younger female would be okay.

" What are you guys doing?" Taehyung asked looking at the two boys.

" We're trying to open the door. Areum's in it and she was crying." Yoongi told him continuously pushing the door.

" Oh. Let me." They made way for him.

He took out a card and slid it down the crack of the door. He turned the door knob and the door opened. They just looked at him before gasping at the sight.

Areum was just there. Was she even breathing?
She was but really slowly.

" Go call Jin hyung." Namjoon told him urgently.

Tae ran to the living room and screamed. " Areum is unconscious!"

That didn't just catch Seokjin's attention but Hoseok's and Jimin's. Jungkook was already there and they all joined them.

" Oh my god. " Jin exclaimed at the sight of the passed out Areum in Namjoon's Arms. They put her in one of the lower bunk beds. Jungkook's to be more specific.

Jin was tapping a damp towel on her head. He felt guilty but knew he couldn't have known. Even so, he blamed himself.

Namjoon had contacted their manager and Bang PD to inform them on her state. Manager se-jin was on his way to the dorm. He could hear the panic in Namjoon's voice.

Due to the lack of space they told the others to wait in the living room.

Areum pov

I felt something damp on my forehead and some foot steps. I knew I wasn't on the floor anymore because my environment had changed.

I slowly started lifting my heavy eyelids so I could see.

First thing I saw was Jin who gasped.

"You're awake. We were so worried." Jin softly told me.

How long was I out?" I asked my voice coming out raspier.

"About 20 minutes." I just responded with a 'oh'. "Are you okay? Do you feel better?"

"I'm fine." I tried to give him the best smile I could give right now.

" No, you're not, Ly. And it's okay not to be." I stared at him. " I know you're not feeling well and it's normal. In your situation, your emotions are valid. You shouldn't ignore it and make them stack up until it becomes too heavy. If you feel some way, you can talk to us. We will always be there for you. Your emotions are valid. It's okay."

I just looked at him before looking down. I could feel his stare on me, wanting me to say something. A tear fell down my cheek and unto the sheet.

" I lied. "

2023 edited A/n:

I usually keep my chapters from one point of view (3rd) but the multiple points of views seems fitting for this chapter.

Hope y'all liked it.

Thank you


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