Chapter 1: The Adventures Of Jay McGuiness

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Jay's POV

It's been two years since we've last seen Amber. We've all gotten over her and moved on, but there's still a part of me that misses her. Nathan's got a girlfriend now, but I'm sure he misses her too. His girlfriend's name is Megan Summerton. She's pretty, yet sort of brain dead. That's why her and Siva get along.

Nath's been treating her right, which is good. I'm happy to see that he's learned from all of his mistakes and that we're back to being best mates.

I'm back to my old ways. I'm single and shag girls on the weekends after getting completely wasted. Oh how I've missed those days. Amber really did change me. I wonder where she is and what she's been up to. No one's heard from her, not even her mum Elanor.

I visit El every so often. She's been really lonely. No husband, no daughter, she just has her job. My heart goes out to her. She hasn't been the same since Amber left. I've gone around asking everyone and anyone if they new of her whereabouts. Of course, I received no results.

Today has been rather boring. I haven't done anything but watch TV and eat snacks. For some odd reason, Amber has been on my mind and I can't get her off of it. Occasionally, I think of her, but not the way I am now. I just need to know that she's living well and that she's happy.

I got up from the couch and fixed myself up. I left the flat and got into my new car. It's a smoke grey limited edition Audi R8. I bought it for my last birthday. It really helps pick up girls.

I drove to Dr.Brookes' Private Practice. I sat in the waiting room for an hour so I could talk to her during her lunch time. She came out her office to go eat out and then she noticed me. "Jay, what are you doing here?" she asked confused.

"I came to see you. Mind if we talk?"

"I'm on my lunch break."

"Then I'll join you" I said with a grin.

We went to the cafe down the street from her private practice. She ordered her food and asked me what I wanted. "I need to know where Amber is" I replied. She sighed heavily regretting ever having accepted my request to converse with her.

"I can't help you with that. The things discussed between my clients and I are confidential."

"Two years ago you told me she didn't tell you where she was going to go and now you're telling me you can't tell me where she is."

"I had to lie. If I didn't, you and Nathan would've still been hooked on her and she'd just go back to the same predicament she was in."

"Are you still her psychiatrist?"

She remained silent. "You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed in a whisper. This whole entire time she knew where Amber was and was still counseling her. I went crazy over missing her only to find out that she was still somewhat near me. This has got to be either a joke or a dream.

"I apologize for pretending that she was nowhere to be found. I had to do it."

"Whatever. Just tell me where she lives."

"I'm sorry; I can't."

"Who's it going to harm?"

"The three of you and quite possibly the band."

"Nath and I are over her."

"That's not what I mean."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"As I said, what my clients tell me are confidential."

"I know that, but I've got to see her."


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