Chapter 15: The Good News

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Nathan's POV

"Good morning, Nath!" Jay said entering the kitchen of our flat. "Hey" I replied. He began searching through the fridge for something to eat. "Still haven't got your hand checked, I see."

"Relax, I'm going to the hospital in a bit. I just want to fill the vast space in my stomach first... Then I'll visit Amber and Tyler."

"After you've gone to the hospital."

"We'll see where my car takes me."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Have you heard from Max?"

"Considering that I no longer posses a phone, no. Why haven't you called to check on him? Where is he anyway? Late night booty call?"

"He's at Megan's." My voice was low. "I saw them last night."

He stilled. "Wh-" He closed the fridge door and faced me. I took a sip from my cuppa/cup of tea and waited for his question. "He didn't do what I think he did... Did he?"

"Do what?" I took another sip, my eyes to the tiled kitchen floor.

He gulped down his obvious fear. "He couldn't have. They're just friends. You're with Megan anyway."

"Not anymore."

Silence filled the room. Not a move was made. I looked up at Jay who was looking at me with worry and question. "Nath... don't tell me they-"

"Yeah,they did," I interrupted.

"Gosh!" he exclaimed, hitting his head with the palm of his uninjured hand. "How did you figure it out?"

"He opened the front door in his underwear, and she popped up behind him in her underwear."

"Oh gosh, mate. I'm so sorry about that."

"At least he had the decency to hook up with her after we broke up."

Jay sighed, looking away from my gaze. "Geez, Nath. How many times do we have to go through this? I thought we finally and truly made amends last night, or very early this morning."

"Yeah, but then Amber completely abandoned me, shoving me aside to get to you at the police station. She hugged you and kissed you. Each two times!"

"You can't honestly be serious right now. She hugged you too! The only reason she came rushing to me was because of the fragmented bones in my hand. She kissed below it because of guilt. The whole time she just kept apologizing. It was nothing serious."I scoffed. "It was nothing serious" he repeated.

I sighed. "I know, Jay. You've made that clear. It's Amber I'm actually mad at. I just got so jealous."

"I can see. Don't be. The loss of our friendship isn't worth it."

"Yeah, I know. I just... I..."

"Love her?"


"So do I. But, if she chooses you I'll pretend like her and I were only ever friends. And if you want, I won't even be her friend. It would be as if we never existed to each other."

"I couldn't do that to you, and it's not like she'll choose me."

"I don't see why not. From the looks of things, she's got no interest in rekindling the brief relationship we had."

"I'd say differently."

"Of course. Are you going to try and work things out with Max?"

"It didn't exactly seem like that's something he was hoping for. I just don't want to think about him, but everything that happened last night keeps popping up in my mind; Max being one of them."

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