Chapter 14: The Results...

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Nathan's POV

I heard police sirens growing louder and louder as they neared. And so, the panicking commenced. Jay had just killed Meridith, and if we say it was self defense, it wouldn't be believed since there are three guys in this one room and a dead girl on the floor.

"Tyler is going to be killed!" Jared yelled.

"I heard you the first time!" I yelled back. "But, I don't see how when bobbies (policemen) have surrounded Amber and him to keep them safe."

"So? That doesn't mean anything. He can still be killed!"

"And Jay can be put in jail, so just shut up and stop yelling! Tyler will be fine!"

Bobbies began filling the room, pointing their guns at Meridith's corps. One of them talked into a walkie talkie on their shoulder saying, "Bring the paramedics in." He then looked up at the three of us and said, "The three of you. Out. Now."

We obeyed his orders and were followed out by a couple of bobbies. We stood in the center of police cars and watched as what seemed like an investigator approach us. The paramedics ran into the flat. I suppose they're going to try and resuscitate Meridith.

"Hello I'm Detective Bowman" the investigator said, finally approaching us. "You don't have to explain this whole ordeal; Amber took care of that. Some neighbors called panicking about the noise coming from your flat, so we came rushing to it.

We've got this whole situation covered, so all there is to worry about is Meridith. You better hope her heart starts beating again." He narrowed his eyes on Jay. "You fluffy hair, you should get the paramedics to check out that hand of yours." Jay's body stiffened. Detective Bowman raised his brows as if saying, "We know it was you that killed her."

Jared's POV

We were sat at the police station. I was praying in my heart for Tyler's safety, and Jay was praying that he wouldn't get into trouble. Detective Bowman walked across the busy room towards us. "Good news for fluffy hair, she's alive" he said. Jay sighed with relief.

"Detective" I called, grabbing his attention. "Meridith said that she has this person that'll kill Tyler if harm was brought to her."

"Did she tell you who this person is?"


"Well, no need to worry about that now, because Tyler is safe." He turned his attention back on Jay. "You might want to go to that hospital now just to make sure your hand is alright. The paramedics think you should have it x-rayed."

"The cast should keep me fine for now."

"Whatever you say. Anyway, I have some questions to ask you all-"

"Guys!" I heard Amber's voice call out. I saw her running towards us. Nathan and I immediately got up and walked towards her. She ran into us with a hug. One arm around Nathan's neck and the other around mine.

"I'm so glad you guys are alright." We pulled apart. "I was so worried when you didn't show, Nath. I kept calling but you didn't pick up."

"Sorry about that. I was dealing with Meridith" Nathan replied.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked.

"He's in the car with my mum still asleep." She laughed. "He's perfectly fine."

Amber's POV

I looked behind the boys and found Jay sitting with his head down, and a cast wrapped around his right hand. I pushed through the boys and rushed to him worryingly. "Jay" I said kneeling down in front of him. I waited for him to look up at me. When he finally did, I attacked him with a hug. I was almost brought to tears seeing him this way. "I'm so sorry about this" I said into his ear. He wrapped his arms around me and said, "Don't be."

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