Strawberries (Lane x Hyuga)

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Hyuga found out a big secret about Lane. The older likes strawberries a lot.

Hyuga discovered it when he and Hikaru decided to plant strawberries in their garden. When the strawberries were ripe enough, they'd pack them and give them to the others. They had kept the strawberries in a basket while training, so that they can eat it later with everyone as refreshments. But then when they returned, all the strawberries in the 3 boxes were gone. The same happened every day and everyone were suspicious of who kept stealing it. So Hyuga secretly kept watch of the strawberries one day during training, something he only told Hikaru in case it was someone from the gang that was stealing it. He waited for hours and finally, a couple of hours before the training ended, a shadow crept towards the boxes and replaced all the strawberries in another large box. Hyuga tried seeing who it was, but all he managed to find was a spike of pink-purple hair with a mixture of baby pink. But he don't have to investigate to know who that was.

Hyuga was genuinely surprised, he have seen Lane being friendly a few times, but this was a whole new level. He have seen Lane being friendly with Harry, sometimes even being calm and collected. But strawberry stealing...

Hikaru asked that evening if he found out the culprit, and Hyuga just lied, saying that it was some boy from next door trying to snuck out strawberries because he was hungry, and that Hyuga caught him red-handed and told him off. He wasn't able to sleep that night, thinking of a certain blader. He wanted to see this side of Lane more often, but knew he cannot.

The next day too, they brought strawberries, but Hyuga hid another box of strawberries inside his hoodie. And a couple of hours later, he excused himself and said that he was going to the bathroom.

He hid on his spot for a long time, until he heard movement. The young blader gathered all his courage.


The figure stopped. Hyuga saw it's head turning to him, and he got the chills. But nevertheless, he walked up to him, and saw the same wild pink hair. Lane was glaring with him with mixed feelings inside his eyes. Anger, the fear of being caught, and a lot of them. From the corner of his eyes, Hyuga saw Harry coming out of Lane's fur coat and looking eager and defensive near his master.

Slowly, Hyuga raised his hoodie and took the box of strawberries he reserved for Lane. He smiled at the surprised expression of the other.

"You don't have to steal when you need them. If you don't want others to know about this, you can just ask me to get you some." Hyuga said calmly, a huge difference to his normal crackhead manner. Lane, scowling, took the box and went away.

That night Hikaru happily said that no neighbouring boys stole the strawberries that day.

This continued for a long time. As promised, Hyuga would give Lane his strawberries, and everyone in the gang gets their share too. Hikaru was gleaming in pride at the praises he got from the strawberry he planted and grew. Everything seemed fine.


Hyuga saw Lane practicing when he was jogging. Lane's hands moving on the launcher smoothly and his blade doing wonders, thanks to Shu's coaching. Hyuga went up to the older and grinned seeing his blade moving like a skater in ice. They had a small battle, Hyuga lost to a ring out finish and Lane's blade stopped spinning a moment after Hyuga's blade had been knocked off the dish. Both of them sat on the grass and ate a few strawberries Lane brought as snacks after practice.

"Lane..." Hyuga said quietly. Lane looked at the young boy from the corner of his eyes, then looked back to the front. Hyuga cleared his throat uncertainly.

"Um, if you want, I could give you strawberry seeds..." Way to go, Hyuga Asahi. Now he will think you as more of a weirdo than you already are. In fact, he doesn't even know where the older lives.

Lane chuckled. Yes, chuckled. Not his evil one, this seemed lighter and friendlier. But then he went quiet again. Hyuga broke the silence.

"Do you have strawberries left?" He asked. Lane smirked, "You want them?" He asked, waving a strawberry. Hyuga nodded. He expected Lane to give him the strawberry, but what he didn't expect was Lane's lips on his, kissing him. Lane kept kissing him passionately, and licked his bottom lip for entrance, which the younger boy gave. They kissed until they ran out of oxygen, and when they pulled out, both were breathless and panting.

"So, got your strawberries?" Lane teased. Hyuga just hit his head playfully, and they hung out all evening.

I know this kinda sucks. But please forgive me. And feel free to recommend any ships you like to read in the comments section so that I can write it. Stay safe and happy!


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