For who he was (Vampire!Shu x Human!Valt)

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Shu sighed as he placed his cup of tea on the table and sighed. He got a letter from home saying that it was time for him to mate with a human, but he couldn't seem to find anyone who caught his eye. Then again, he was the cold-hearted vampire king.

Yes, the legendary blader, friend to the blading champion Aoi Valt, was actually a vampire. A noble to be exact. And what's more than a cold vampire king lurking around in search of a mate?

Shu thought again. Who could be a good mate who would always support him and stay by his side, accepting who he actually was?

The answer flashed right away and his eyes widened, realising why he wasn't able to get it sooner, Valt.

So he went out of his apartment to a place where Valt would surely show up to meet him. The place where he always practices to beyblade. And soon enough, the bluenette was there, panting and sweating.

"You're late." Shu said, "He showed his bey to Valt, indicating that he wanted a battle, to which the other agreed.


And after a heated battle, Valkyrie burst, Spriggan bursting a second after. Valt groaned in frustration and exhaustion

"Man, that was a fierce battle!" He said. Shu smiled, Valt would be a great partner.


Valt looked at the albino, eyes wide in confusion. Shu blushed slightly. He indicated Valt to sit beside him on the ground, which the bluenette did without hesitation, legs dangling at the edge of the high layer of the small stadium.

"Will you accept me as who I am?"

Valt frowned, Shu was acting weird today, "I will..?" He said still looking at Shu with the weird-suspicious look.

Shu noticed and smiled, slightly leaning in. Valt, realising that Shu was about to kiss him, widened his eyes, but didn't move as it was something he quite desired for a while.

Their lips met, and Shu took the lead, moving his pair of lips against Valt's soft ones. The other smiled in the kiss and closed his eyes. They pulled away after a few minutes. Shu looked down, "If you love me now, don't leave me after the truth..."

Valt frowned, "Huh?"

Shu smiled sadly at the adorable voice, "I'm a vampire king."

Valt chocked on his own saliva.

"W-What? Come again?" Valt asked, and Shu repeated what he said.

"I totally understand if you don't want me anymore-"

Valt pulled the albino towards him and pressed him lips against the other's again.

"You really don't think I'm someone like that, do you?"

Shu smiled.


"Woah!" Valt said aloud as he saw the vampire city Shu rules.

Shu smiled at the younger's excitement, "Do you like this place?"

Valt smiled energetically, "Yes yes yes!" Shu blushed at Valt's lit face.

"My lord!" The guards bowed when the duo approached. Valt's mouth resembled a circle when they all bowed with respect, "I-I-"

Shu chuckled seeing Valt so flustered. He addressed the guard closest to him, "Did the messenger spread the news about my mate?"

The guard nodded, still looking down, "Yes your majesty!"

Shu nodded and turned to see Valt examining a statue, trying to figure out what it was. He chuckled, surprising all the other guards standing there.

"Valt, are you wondering what that is?" The bluenette nodded. Shu smiled, "That's a statue given to Vampire nobles at the heir's wedding. My father got it when he married my mom."

Valt nodded slowly, understanding the statue now. There was a heart at the top of the statue and two people holding hands underneath the heart. There were carvings of flowers and a basket at the bottom of the statue. The whole thing was painted a white-yellow colour.

A question suddenly popped in Valt's mind, "Shu, where are your parents?"

Shu looked down, and Valt noticed his discomfort, "You don't have to if you don't want-"

"They died in a war." Shu said and Valt's eyes widened, "You're my mate, you deserve to know everything about me."

Valt smiled, "Mm, and this side of you is pretty. I cannot believe you thought that no one will love you as who you are if you showed them this adorable side." Shu visibly blushed, but then felt something catching in his throat. He was thirsty, for blood.


Valt acted quick for once and grabbed the vampire before he fell. The human took Shu's arm and slung it around his neck, carrying, almost dragging Shu to his room, frequently asking for directions.

Finally, when they reached the king's room, Valt laid Shu on the bed and was about to stand straight, but Shu pulled him in the bed to and hovered over him, lips softly brushing his neck, like he wanted to ask permission. Valt, realising what the other was going at, nodded nervously, bracing himself.

Gently, Shu bit on the exposed part of Valt's neck, sucking and biting the same spot. Valt's blood felt good in his mouth and he wanted more. But he didn't want to hurt his love so he only drank a bit. The king pulled out to see Valt breathless and panting, "Did it hurt?"

Valt shook his head, "No, don't worry."

Shu smiled, and Valt smiled as Shu was smiling, 'Yes, I really love you for who you are...' He said in his mind.

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