I'll never let you go (Zac x Akira)

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Like my last story, this is also right after the nationals.

Like a rose between thorns
Like the bright sun on a cloudy day
Like the beauty inside hidden by the ugly outside
But I promise...Whoever you are
I'll never leave you (never, ever)
Because I love you for who you are, who you are...
God made you perfectly, and it deserves the world
Yes, there might be times your beauty crumples but just hold on to me
I'll save you from the cruel life which tortures you
And I promise...Whoever you are
I'll never leave you (never, ever)
Because I love you for who you are, who you are...
Even if the whole universe is against you, I'm there (just me...)
Even if the ones you need the most turns their back on you, I'm there (just me...)
Even if they judge or criticise you, I'm there (just me...)
I'll always be there
Even if, even if, even if... (hold me tight!)
Even if you ignore me for the rest of your life, I'm there (will you do the same)
Even if you push  me away and run through me with your car, I'm there (will you do the same)
Even if you stomp on me and say an 'I hate you', I'm there (will you do the same)
And I promise...Whoever you are
I'll never leave you (never, ever)
Because I love you for who you are, who you are...
Please don't leave me (no, no, no)
This hurts so much (wake me up from this nightmare)
hold me tight (save me)
My shining hope (I love you) My bright star... (My bright star!)
Because I promise (I promise!)
Whoever you are (you are the you I know!)
I'll never leave you (come back to me, I love you...)
Because I love you for who you are (you are my sunshine!)
Who you are...(you are~)
I'll never leave you... (never, ever, hold me tight...)
I love you...(I'm sincere...)
For who you are...(because it's you...)

(I'll never let you go...)

The crowd went berserk after seeing their favourite two singers collaborating together in a song. Zac the sunshine bowed a 90 degree. Akira did his cute thing, making everyone swoon over the two standing on the stage. The two superstars, after their battle, had decided to write a song together. And the song was very popular now, mostly because the two most popular superstars were collaborating.

"Man! Being on stage with you was like a dream come true to me." Akira said as he and Zac made their way to the changing room. Zac was looking at his companion. At first glance, Akira look like another normal kid who loves singers a lot and admire them. But now he realised how much the pink haired boy had changed. He was more mature, realising the world better and not acting like a clueless child anymore. Akira surely has evolved into a more grown person. More than him, probably. But he'll never admit it.

"Yeah yeah. Everyone wants the spotlight, but only one can get it. And that is the sun!" Zenkuro twirled dramatically and placed his right hand on his chest. Akira giggled while sighing mentally.

He idolised him yes, but knowing him from close, he's kinda weird and dramatic.

Zac went into the bathroom to remove his makeup while Akira changed in the room. Zac came out as Akira bundled up his worn clothes after wearing the new ones.

"You were the one who wrote the lyrics of the song, right Zac? You just told me to go on with it. Why didn't I get a chance to make lyrics?" Akira said pouting, which Zac found cute. He sniggered dramatically(again).

"The sunshine whites the lyrics and the little star sings along. That's all!" Zac said, making the pink-haired boy pout more.

"Rapping is still my style..." Akira said as he looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair. There was silence for a few minutes until the rapper spoke up.

"Who did you write the song for?" Akira asked. Zac gave a start. "W-what?"

"I asked", Akira said like a bossy teacher, "Who did you write the song for?"

Zac halted. He had wrote this song when he was younger and when he had a lover, way before he turned into a superstar. But she had broke his heart, and that's when Zac swore to himself that he'll never fall in love with anyone else after that, and just merely let the fans do whatever they want, as long as it is not dating him.

Akira noticed Zac's zone-out. He got up and sat in front of Zac.

"If it's something you don't want to share, it's okay! Don't worry. I'll never push you to anything..."

Zac smiled, and for the first time, it wasn't his smug smile. It was grateful.

"Thanks..." He said. Akira grinned widely and cutely. 

Zac knew that he was getting closer to Akira day by day. He knew that he was in the verge of opening up to the rapper, and one day he just might. But it was Akira, and Zac didn't mind. Because for some reason, he could trust the pink-haired male with his life.

"I'll never let you go...Zac"

I know the song at the beginning was cringey af. I was drunk when I wrote that. I just had a few sips of wine, but I don't tolerate alcohol much, and I couldn't get any other song ideas after realising I wrote one when I didn't had any sense. Please bear my drunk ass. 🙏🏻😌.

And It's almost new year! If I'm lucky enough to finish Beyblade burst surge, I could do a Shu x Lane like the request I got from @shugo-girl . 

Thanks a lot for all your support to my books. I don't think I've thanks ya'll properly for your help :) .


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