Christmas present (Ukyo x Diana)

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This is the time right after season 1 and before season 2, after the nationals.

"Wonder what Xhaka's team is up to in Christmas..." Valt asked as they rested a few minutes after practice in the club. Honcho looked thoughtful.

"Hm...Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated in a Dojo like theirs?" He asked. Everyone looked thoughtful.

They had practiced harder than usual after the national tournament. They leave early in the morning for school and come late in the evening. Toko and Nika analyse beyblades and help the Beigoma academy bey-club in all ways. Shu was distant after the nationals, always keeping his distance and only approaching them when he have to. Ken helps them in training. 

So now, it was Valt, Rantaro, Wakiya, Hoji, Diana and Ken. Toko and Nika had already left as it was cold outside. Of course it would be. It was nearing Christmas.

"What would you like in Christmas, Diana?" Hoji asked. Diana shrugged.

"Anything would be fine, though I would like a new headband. Mine's old and slightly out of colour now. But the headbands in these materials are expensive. Don't bother buying me one, I won't take it. It would save you hundreds of Yen."

The others sighed. Diana was always picky when it came to expensive things. It really annoyed them, but sadly, what can they do? They cannot make Diana the way they want. But then, Valt spoke up.

"Let's go to Xhaka's dojo and ask them their plans!" Valt exclaimed, making the others cover their ears and complain how loud he is.

"Ok! So it's settled. Let's go, crew!"

And they headed off to Xhaka's dojo.


They reached the dojo after loads of climbing. Valt quickly ran off to the dojo, leaving the others to climb grudgingly after him.

"VALT! What a surprise!" Xhaka boomed, making the others cover their ears again. God, how did silent Shu became friends with these two loudspeakers? Diana wondered mentally. Then Valt directly asked the question.

"Xhaka, what's your plan for Christmas?" He asked, making the doomscizor blader wonder how straightforward he can be. Xhaka laughed his usual laugh.

"Oh, it's a surprise. Make sure to come here at Christmas, they you'll see!"

Valt pouted. "Xhaka..."

Xhaka gave him a determined look back. "Not gonna tell ya now, sorry." And he laughed his laugh again.

Rantaro then noticed the other bladers. Ukyo wasn't there.

"Where's Ukyo?" Rantaro asked. Quon laughed nervously.

"O-oh...He's somewhere around-"

"Looking for me?" A voice asked behind Wakiya, and the blond being the scary cat he is, jumped onto Rantaro.

"Ukyo!" Yugo sighed. Ukyo grinned sheepishly.


"Hey Ukyo! Where have you been?" Valt asked too purely. Ukyo glanced at him.

"None of your business." He said smoothly. Valt pouted.

"So then, Valt! See ya in Christmas." Xhaka grinned widely and laughed. Valt did the same, kinda stupidly.


Christmas came soon, and the Beigoma academy bey-club members(including Shu and the twins this time-Valt dragged them along) found themselves in front of the dojo. Valt squealed ever so manly in excitement.

There were snow all over the dojo roof, and crystal stars to add the effect. A Christmas tree was standing proudly at the right side of the dojo, filled with gold, silver, red and green balls. There was a ring of holly in front of the dojo door, and it had a couple of bells on it. Valt jumped up and down.

"Let's crash this party, people!" And being Valt, he literally crashed the party.

"Ow, Valt! You're so heavy." Shu said as he and Quon struggled to get Valt off them. Yugo and Wakiya, who had escaped the chaos, were laughing in the background.

"That was the best party crashing I've ever seen!" Xhaka said, making Diana mentally face palm.

"It was?" Valt asked, and so they started their meaningless conversation.

"Diana Kurogami" Ukyo whispered from behind him, and the said boy had to do everything in order to not shout out at the sudden surprise.


"Sorry, sorry!" He said casually and motioned Diana outside.

"Merry Christmas!" He said, smiling and gave Diana a small packet.

Ukyo is giving me a gift?

Diana asked mentally as he thanked the ninja and opened it. Once he saw what was inside it, he gasped lightly.

A new bright red headband, with the beads and the skull all the same as his old one, and flashy enough to make others understand that it was a new one. Diana looked at Ukyo with wide eyes.

"How did you-"

"I-I'm sorry, ok? I just wanted to know what you wanted as a present, that's why I followed you. And then I heard you saying what you wanted to your friends, and that it was expensive, so I bought one for you. And no, you cannot reject this! I won't take it back."

Diana smiled. "Arigato!"

Ukyo was full of surprises, and the present incident only made him try to discover the bluenette more!

Hello! I decided to do a Diana x Ukyo as Christmas special as I still haven't completed beyblade and this is the only ship I could write making any sense. Sorry if it is short. I wanted to post it on Christmas eve but I started writing it like, an hour ago! And it's Christmas after a few more hours. Merry Christmas my lovelies, and let this Christmas shine joy into you!!! Love ya all! ✨🥳🎊👏🏻❤😇🙏🏻👑🛐


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