Practice- Losing (Shu x Fubuki)

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"Patience, Sumie."

Fubuki groaned mentally. Shu was being such a prick. He had went back to the bey club after a long time, and realised that as much as he grew stronger, Toko had learned just as much, and defeated him. It was a public humiliation, everyone had came to watch their current bey club leader and old bey club leader battling. So Fubuki had asked Shu Kurenai, the whole reason he was so much inspired to blade, for help in improving his techniques. And though Shu was an effective teacher, he was also too serious for Fubuki's liking.




Shu raised his eyebrow at him. It was obvious Fubuki was tiring himself out. So even though he didn't want to, Shu decided to give the poor guy his break.

"Fubuki! Take a rest for a few minutes." Shu announced the blader. Fubuki panted wildly as he sat on the floor, too tired to move to the benches. Shu went to the benches and tossed a bottle to the blonde, which he caught with good reflexes.

Shu sat on the floor next to him.

"Fubuki, when are you going to battle Toko again?" Shu suddenly asked out of the blue. Fubuki looked at him.

"I don't know...Maybe after I'm sure that I'm ready?" Shu shook his head vigorously.

"No! You should keep a fixed date, or you will lack hard work, always thinking that you have all the time in the world. Tell me a date and I'd train you accordingly."

Fubuki stared weirdly at him, "Alright..." But then an idea stuck his mind. He really wanted to tease Shu now.

"Or...would that be an excuse to spend more time with me?" Fubuki said with a smirk and Shu, who didn't expect this in the least, turned sharply at him.

"What do you mean, Fubuki?"

"You know what I mean..." Fubuki said in a teasing voice. Shu's cheeks tinted pink.

"I-I don't know what y-you are talking about!" The stuttering and blushing only inspired Fubuki to go on more.

"What time do you want me to battle Toko? Maybe after a long time...So that you'd have an excuse to train me every time and also keep this schedule for a lot of days to spend time with me. You're so smart, Shu-kun." Shu's slightly pink cheeks turned into a fiery scarlet. He tried to find the right words, but this was something he never expected to happen. God, he'd never expect anyone to tell things like this to him. He was never in any romantic matters before, and the feeling was so foreign.

"Or maybe...You want to have fun with me right now. Ah, Shu-kun, you're so naughty as well-"

"Enough!" Shu said, and though his cheeks were still pink, and his heart was racing faster than ever, he managed to keep his firm voice, and that seemed to shut Fubuki up. And Fubuki was mentally cursing himself for being so stupid. Now Shu would never teach him anything. He's going to lose again...

"Consider yourself lucky that you're attractive, or I would never have forgiven you." Fubuki's head shot up. What!? But as he saw the playful smirk on Shu's face, he knew he was getting a bit of his own medicine.

"Aw, Shu-kun! No one can be as hot as you, not even me!" Fubuki played along. And they kept on flirting for a long time, until they heard footsteps.

Both of them looked around to see Toko, smiling at their cute teases. He then turned to Fubuki.

"Hey! I was wondering if you'd want a rematch for the other day. You know..." Toko smiled awkwardly. Shu smiled at Fubuki, encouraging him to battle. And Fubuki did too.

But sadly, he lost. Even if it was narrow, a loss is a loss. A survival finish and a burst finish. Fubuki held it all in until Toko had said his byes and left, but he couldn't keep it in until Shu goes too, and he broke down.

"I-I lost again! Am I that weak?" Fubuki kept saying and Shu engulfed him into a tight hug, much to the blonde's surprise. But nevertheless, he hugged back, crying about his loss. 

" Don't worry. Loses do happen. There is always a next time. We just have to train harder and try again next time. Don't cry for such a thing!" Shu comforted, or at least, tried to. Anyone can say that he was awkward as hell trying to comfort Fubuki. But surprisingly, the blond calmed down.

"I'm sorry...It was just..." Shu kept his index finger on his lips softy. 

"Sh..." He said, and kissed the blond. It was soft and gentle, just like Shu's features. Fubuki was surprised for a moment, but then he kissed back. They fitted perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle. And when they went out of breath, both pulled away.

"Don't worry..."  Shu said quietly.

Fubuki knew that a new connection was made, and he was glad it was Shu.


"And Shu! Did you see my final move!? I never believed I'd be able to do something as amazing as that!" Fubuki rambled to his boyfriend as they walked back to Shu's apartment after Fubuki's rematch with Toko. Fubuki had won. Everyone had congratulated him and were happy that they were dating. Finally, they reached Shu's apartment.

"And Shu, did you hear what Valt said about me? He said that if I try a bit more, one day I'd be able to surpass him too! This feels gr-"


Fubuki turned to Shu with a frown. Yes, Shu indeed looked weird from when they were back in the academy and when the others were congratulating him, but the blonde didn't give it much thought, guessing that it was because of the loudness in the place. But now as he looked at his boyfriend, Shu looked like he was...jealous?


"I don't want you hanging around with that Suoh guy." Shu said plainly. Fubuki looked confused.


"Just don't. I don't like the way he looks at you." Shu said with an air of selfishness, making Fubuki mentally chuckle. He pinched his boyfriend's cheeks.

"Ok then Shu! But now as we are in the apartment and alone with no interruptions..." Fubuki smirked big.

Hey! I don't know how short this feels. This was 1037 word story when I checked. But I hope this is good, I kind of wrote the first half of the story in the night, when I was half asleep I guess. But anygays, please comment your favourite ships in the comment section and if you can, please vote and comment!


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