Benny's Adventure Team ~Bennett~

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⚠️Gender Neutral⚠️

3rd POV:

Bennett! Some say he's unlucky and some say he's weird. Not many people wanted to be on his adventure team because of his luck. Till he meant them! They were just like him. Unlucky as people called it. Bennett was excited to have someone join his adventure team. Well besides Razor and Fischl. Anyways this is how (Y/n) (L/n) came to join Benny's Adventure team.

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Damn it," I said, hitting the ground.

If you're wondering why I'm on the ground well it's because I tripped.....over air. And then fell in mud. Usually I'm used to days like this but today I was hoping for a good day. I wished for my bad luck to go away for at least one day. But as you can tell it didn't happen.

I got out of the mud and tried to get as much off as I could buttttt.....that didn't work, it just smeared.

"Ughhhh," I groaned.

There was no way I was going to keep adventure in these muddy clothes. So I began my walk but toward Liyue. Yes you heard me Liyue. I didn't live in Mondstadt, I live in Liyue. Specifically at the Wangshu Inn. Any who, I kicked a pebble off the ground while walking to the Inn.

"Ow," I heard a voice.

I looked up to see a boy around my age with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. His shirt he was wearing had a hole near the stomach. And he was shorting brown shorts, his shoes look like they used to belong to a clown. (I'm sorry 🥲)

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kick that at your head," I said apologizing to the boy.

"No worries, my bad luck strikes again."

"Bad luck?" I said, puzzled.

"Yeah, I don't have the best of luck." The boy said, rubbing his neck.

"I don't either."

"Really!" He said, stars filled his eyes.


"Cool! I've never meant someone will bad luck like me. I'm Bennett! Leader of Benny's Adventure team!"

"I'm (Y/n), leader of tripping over air," I responded, chuckling at the last thing I said.

Everything fell silent and it grew whether awkward. Well that's before Bennett spoke again.

"Would you like to join my Adventure team. There's two other people in it. One girl named Fischl, and a wolf boy named Razor!"

"Ugh, sure! I'd be happy to join I guess."

"Great! Meet back here again tomorrow?" Bennett asked, a bright fun goofy smile on his face.


"Okay, it's settled then! Welcome to Benny's Adventure team (Y/n)!"

"Thank you."

"While I out to get going. Don't want my dads to worry. Bye (Y/n)!" Bennett said, running off to where ever.

"Bye Bennett!" I called back, hoping he heard me.

I continued walking to Wangshu Inn. The entire time a smile was plastered on my face.

519 words 

(A/n: Hey! I'm really sorry for the lack of oneshots. But I'll continue to post and hopefully make them longer. Anyways there is Bennett. Btw I will be making an angst soon 😏. Well bye :D!)

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