Fatui Problems ~Childe~

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⚠️Female reader⚠️

(Y/n)'s POV:

"We've got the girl, boss!" The high voices said.

"Finally! It took you all long enough," A deep rough voice told the other people.

All I could hear was voices, I couldn't see anything. Everything was dark that was probably due to the bag on my head. Earlier this morning, I was out in Liyue Harbor, just shopping. Looking for some decorations to lighten up my living room because it felt really dull. The next thing I knew I had a bag roughly placed on my head and began getting dragged away. I heard the screams of Liyue citizens as I was being taken. I started squirming around but one of the people picked me up and knocked me unconscious. And well, here I am now sitting in a cold room with the bag still on my head.

I've been sitting in the room for what felt like hours now and finally the deep voice dude came in. My mind had been wondering, what did they want with me? I panicked at a couple of thoughts. But I was just merely a restaurant worker living in Liyue Harbor with her boyfriend, Childe, so what could they have possibly wanted from me? Money? 

"Take the bag off her head!" The deep voice spoke once more.

Finally the bag was removed from my head and the bright lights in the room blinded my eyes. I was ready to kick the people with my kicks if I needed too, unfortunately though my hands were tied to a pole so I couldn't run. As my eyes adjusted from the lights, I could make out four figures in front of me. Three of the four had all black on and each of theirs hairs were different colored and messy due to the wind. While the one had on a white coat with black fur on the top. His black hair mainly swept to one side while his glasses laid on his face.

He gave me a gentle smile before he turned back to the three men and frowned, "That is the wrong girl you imbeciles."

"B-but boss, it's the girl in the photo that you handed us!" The brunette man said, fear covered his face.

"The girl in the picture is the blonde traveler and her floating companion. She," He points at me while still looking at his men. "Doesn't even look like the traveler and where the companion."

"But Pantalone, s-sir, with all due respect we got the girl that we thought looked like this traveler." The redhead man stepped forward.

"Your thought was wrong now get out of my sight before I have Dottore came in here and allow him experiment on you three." The black-headed man, Pantalone, said, looking angry.

"What would you like-,"

"I said get out!" Pantalone yelled, causing the three men to sprint out of the room.

Pantalone turned to me, "I'm sorry for this little inconvenience dear. But now I must find something to do with you, the fatui can't have people running around spilling stuff. And you," He comes closer to me and lifts my chin slightly upward causing me to look into his cold violet eyes. "Now know that I want to capture the traveler. I don't need you to tell her."

Pantalone stepped away from me and walked out of the room. I sat all alone in the cold room once more trying to figure out a way to escape. I couldn't reach the items on the marble counters or the desk. I definitely had no way to escape, I even tried screaming but no one came. The only thing left to do was wonder. What would Childe think or do if I didn't come home that night or the nights after? Tears began forming in eyes, fear engulfing me. What if I'm never able to get out?

Pantalone entered the room again but instead of being alone, a light blue haired man with a mask covering his eyes followed close behind.

"Dottore, here's the girl I spoke to you about. My men brought her in thinking she was the traveler but she's not as you can tell. So I thought she'd be best in your hands."

My heart dropped to my stomach, the three minions that were here earlier practically ran out of the room at Dottore being mentioned. Unlike the men, I could not run. The blue haired man walked closer to me.

"She'll make a fine experi-"

"Hey Pantalone, have you seen Dottore?" My boyfriend said as he walked into the room and quickly spotted Dottore but also me.

Childe jogged to me and quickly untied my arms, pulling me against his chest. I instantly hold on tight to his shirt scared that Dottore would take me away forever. The fear and panic was slightly going away now that I was in Childe's arms, safe and sound.

Childe looked up and Pantalone and Dottore, "Care to explain why my girlfriend is here and tied up about to be thrown into the hands of Dottore."

"Y-you know these people?" I questioned, Childe wiping away my tears as I spoke.

"I didn't want you to figure things out this way but yes I know these people. I work with them, they are my colleagues."

"You're part of the fatui!" I sat up in Childe's arms quickly, startled.

"Like I said I didn't want you to know this way but once again yes I am. I'm one of the eleven harbingers." He said, relaxing me into in his arms.

"Now why is (Y/n) here?" Childe asked Dottore and Pantalone.

"Three of my men brought her in thinking she was the traveler but she wasn't. So I asked Dottore if he wanted anything to do with her because I obviously couldn't let her go. And here we are now." Pantalone explained, leaning up against the counter.

"Well since y'all are done here, I'm going to take my girlfriend home. Where's she safe and away from both of you." Childe stood up with me in his arms, bridal style.

"But Childe, she would make a fine experiment-" Dottore began but quickly got cut off by Childe.

"No Dottore." He said sternly. "I'll see you two tomorrow."

Childe walked out of the room with me in his arms. The whole way home he apologized for not telling me about what his actually work job is and for his colleagues very rude behavior. And also for the fact that Pantalone had his minions take me. It was a unstop long apology but I were grateful for it after the long day I experienced. Once we got home, Childe placed me on the couch and sat down next to me, pulling me in between his legs

"Again (Y/n), darling, I'm so incredibly sorry. I-"

"It's fine, Childe. Really it's fine I forgive you even though it wasn't your fault. But next time don't lie to me, okay?" I said, turning to face him.

"I won't darling. I promise," He promised me.

Childe leaned into kiss me and I just wrapped my arms around his neck and melted into the kiss, of course kissing him back. I was glad Childe had saved me from his two colleagues. And I was glad to have the best boyfriend in all of Teyvat. 

1218 words

(A/n: And the finally oneshot I'll be posting tonight! Thank you to everyone who's requesting, I just really appreciate it! Have a great night/day! Byeeeee :D!)

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