A Night to Remember ~Diluc ~

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⚠️Female Reader⚠️

(Y/f/b)=Your favorite book

3rd POV:

The Dawn Winery, a place were people come to enjoy themselves, hang out, chat with friends, or just drink. The Mondstadt folks loved the winery, while others wanted to destroy its reputation and business. You were one of those people that wanted it gone, while not one of them. You loved the winery, unfortunately you were hired to take out the business once and for all. Others have obviously tried to eliminate it but miserable failed in doing so. 

Now it was your turn to try, hell your co-workers even believed you could do it. And you wanted to prove them right. But amongst the folks of Mondstadt the name, Dark Killer, was heard almost anywhere you went. You had made a reputation for taking out business, making the owners go insane, and leaving folks to wonder if the Dark Killer had struck again. Thankfully you hadn't been caught in any of your schemes, though you've come dangerously close from time to time. Overall you weren't a fan of your job but the pay was good, and to you that's all that mattered. 

But the owner of the Dawn Winery just amazed you. You've seen him walking around the city and after a while you just developed on crush him. Better yet you've spoken to him at least a hundred times it was either speaking to him while you're at the tavern or just when he was walking. Honestly you had no intention of hurting Diluc but if it came to that you would. Yet here you are standing in front of the Dawn Winery in the maids costume your boss gave you for the mission.

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Join us they said. It'll be fun they said. I fucking hate this outfit!" You muttered to yourself, messing with the hem of the top.

You stared at the doors of the Dawn Winery trying to decipher if you wanted to complete this job or just completely ditch it. As you were about to turn around and leave, the doors flew open allowing one of the many maids to come out and greet you. 

"Welcome Miss (Y/n) to Mondstadt's famous Dawn Winery! I'm Adelinde the Head Housemaid of the Dawn Winery and I'll be showing you around and informing you about the rules," She said, smiling at me.

"Okay," I responded, trying my best to not give her an awkward smile but I don't think it worked.

"Please follow me," Adelinde told me, while walking to the open doors

'Well I guess I'm officially doing this,' I thought, mentally sighing to myself before catching up to Adelinde. As I stepped into the Winery, my (e/c) eyes wondered the gorgeous looking main room. The crimson carpet that laid on the floor was just marvelous, the tables around the room were neatly set, and the chandelier was beautifully lighting the room. Out of all the businesses you've destroyed and been in, you had to say this one is spectacular and definitely beat them all. 


"You are correct Miss (Y/n), this room is definitely a 'woah'. Master Diluc designed this room himself and we, the maids, just keep it well kept and spotless," She smiled. "Now we do have some rules here that you must follow. One, never go into Master Diluc's room without his permission. Two, the room you are assigned must be spotless before you move on to the next room or before you go on break. Three, always wipe the mud off your shoes if you step in any outside. Finally, start working already 7:30. Your shift ends at 10." 

"Good to know but just so I'm well aware, where exactly is Dil- I mean Master Diluc's room at?Y You know so I don't get accidentally walk into it."

"It's right here actually but when you go upstairs and take a left, the very first room is Master Diluc's office/bedroom. But I doubt you'll "accidentally walk into it". It's locked at all times and only Master Diluc and I have the keys. Plus Diluc, himself, cleans his own room. So you won't be going in there unless he needs you or something. And believe me it's very rare for Master Diluc to give you permission to go into his room, I would know because I've only be there once and I've worked here for nine years," Adelinde said, slightly chuckling and stopping in front of Diluc's door.

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