Stress ~Jean~

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⚠️Female reader⚠️

3rd POV:

Jean had been in her office a lot lately. She barely ever left, she only came out to get some food or use the restroom. She didn't even go home to her lover. You, as her lover, genuinely got worried, you didn't know where she was or maybe that she....just left you. You wandered around town and asked folks if they'd seen Jean.

All you got was no. Hell Kaeya, Amber, nor did Lisa know where she was. None of the knights knew either. Your felt like vomiting because what if something bad happened to her, she could be dead and no one would know.

You even adventured to Dragonspine to ask Albedo but he probably wouldn't know since he only comes to town everyone once and a while. But you went up there anyone, just in case you know. Unfortunately, they didn't know where Jean was either. After leaving, Dragonspine you went straight to Venti the Bard.

"Ventiiiiiiii!" You scream.

"Ello!" Venti said,  scaring the crap out of you.

"Venti, have you seen Jean by a chance?"

"Sorry (Y/n), I have no clue where she is."

"It's okay. See you later Venti!" You said, walking away.

You looked around the town some more but Jean was still nowhere to be found. You even asked Klee but she said no. Your last place to look was in the Knights of Favonius headquarters. So you walked all the way there. You opened the door and heading for Jeans office, her number one work station.

"Please, please be in here," You said to herself and grabbed the door handle.

You pushed up the door and there sitting in the chair before you was your girlfriend, Jean! You noticed she had really black eye bags, her hair was all messed up, and she looked rather stressed.

"Jean!" You say and run to her.

Jean stood up from her seat and engulfed you in a caring hug.

"(Y/n)! I'm sorry I haven't been at home lately. I've been VERY busy."

"It's okay...but Jean, are you perhaps overworking yourself?"

"" Jean replied back but you could tell in her voice that she'd been overworking herself....again.

"Jean..don't lie to me. You're clearly overworking yourself from head to toe."

"I'm sorry, I've been so stressed out and busy I forgot my own personal needs." She said, guilty.

"*Sigh* Its fine, but how about we walk home and get a good nights rest?"

"That sounds lovely dear," Jean said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

You both exited Jeans office and began walking to y'all's home. People greeted Jean and asked if she was okay. She just smiled and waved to the citizens.

Y'all reached the house and Jean put on her pajamas and went straight to bed. You trailing behind her. When you got in bed, Jean wrapped her arm around your waist and whispered, "Thank you for looking out for me. I love you."

You cuddled closer to Jean and whispered back," I love you too Jean." You pecked her lips before she started playing with your hair. After a bit, you both fell fast asleep. 

577 words

(A/n: Hi! So my friend called Jean, "leader girl" cause they couldn't remember her name. Anyone tysm for reading this. I personal think this one turned out really good. Also I'm gonna try to write longer oneshots 🥲 cause I think mine are to short. Go check out bees_edits! Byeeee :D)

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