Drunk ~Diluc~

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⚠️Male reader⚠️

3rd POV:

Diluc of Mondstadt. The guy that runs the winery. The guy that owns the winery that Diona wants to destroy. Yeah him! Well....Diluc owns the winery but he doesn't exactly drink wine or beer. He drinks grape juice!

While his brother, Kaeya, drinks almost all the time. Anyway no one has really ever seen Diluc drink or get drunk in fact. Anyone who goes to the tavern only he's him behind the counter, cleaning the glasses or handing a drink to someone. But today that changed.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I opened the tavern door and stepped inside. It smelled like beer/wine and people. Disgusting smell but you eventually get used to it. Well that is if you're like me and come here every day to see your beloved boyfriend, Diluc.

Diluc would always come home late so I like to visit him. I've been to the tavern manyyyyy times. And every time I walk there's always the drunk bard, Kaeya, Rosaria, and sometimes Captain Beidou but it's rare to see her. I sat down in one of the empty seats in front.

"Hey Charles! Have you seen Diluc?" I asked.

"Yeah actually. He's right next to you."


I turned to the side of him to see Diluc with his head laid on the counter. He looks wasted? His crimson red hair was a tingled mess and his eyelids were half opened. His clothing was messy. I could smell alcohol coming for him.

"Charles what happened!"

"Well...you see..." (Dharr man vibes 🤨 or is it just me??)


3rd POV:

Diluc being all grumpy, poured himself some good old grape juice. He was about to drink some before Venti stopped him. Yeahhh...Venti was swinging from chandelier to chandelier.

"VENTI STOP!" Diluc yelled and ran after him.

Kaeya took this as the perfect moment to pour just a little bit of wine into the grape juice. So he leaped behind the counter and poured a tiny bit of wine. Charles, of course, watched him do it but didn't say anything. He wanted to see what Master Diluc would look like if he drank. Diluc walked back over after getting Venti to stop swinging on the chandeliers. Diluc grabbed his drink and drank some. Kaeya, Charles, and Rosaria's eyes were on him now.

Diluc found the taste of the grape juice very appealing so he drink the rest of it. But Diluc didn't grab the grape juice. He grabbed the wine beside it that was for another customer in the tavern.

Diluc being a light weight became drunk very easily. So Diluc kept asking Charles for more and more drinks. Diluc stood up on the counter and yelled, "I'M DRUNKKKKK! WOO WHOOOOO!"

Kaeya and Rosaria tried their best to contain their laughter. But they ended up rolling on the floor dying laughing.

Flashback ends:

(Y/n)'s POV:

"And that's what happened." Charles said, finishing the story. 

"So you saw what happened but didn't say anything? Why?"

"Well I was curious what Master Diluc would do." Charles said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay then...I'll be taking Diluc home then. Bye!"

I walked to Diluc and placed one of his arms around my shoulder and using my hand for support around his waist. I exited the tavern and started walking home with a drunk Diluc.

"H-hey *hic* I can't *hic* go with you *hic*. My boyfriend *hic* might see *hic* and he will get mad *hic* and leave me *hic." Diluc said, slurring his words.

"I am your boyfriend Diluc." I chuckled.

Diluc stopped and looked at me with his half opened eyes.

"Damn! I *hic* picked a sexy *hic* man!" Diluc yelled.

"Shhh shh" I said, trying to contain my laugh.

Diluc fell back asleep as I continued to walk home. It didn't take long till I arrived. I slowly walked Diluc up to our shared bedroom. I took off his clothes (boots, sock, shirt, pants, gloves, and coat) and changed him into his pajamas. I quietly ran to the bathroom and grabbed a brush. I brushed his hair gently, tucked him into bed, and gave him a kiss on his forehand.

I changed into my pajamas and laid down next to him. Cuddling into Diluc's chest as he wrapped his arms around. Sooner or later, I fell asleep.

In the morning: 

3rd POV:

Diluc woke up and looked around his room. His head pounding. He looked down to see his boyfriend cuddling next to him. 

"Damn! What the hell happened last night." 

787 words

(A/n: Hi! Sorry I haven't been posting as much. But I'm gonna try to post every day! Anyways I hope u enjoyed Diluc's oneshot. Request are open! Go check out bees_edits! Byee Ya'll :D!)

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